Main > Diseases> Derealization


Derealization represents the mental disorder consisting in disturbance of perception of the world around and events in it. Frustration is followed by alienation from the social environment, feeling Дереализация представляет собой психическое расстройствоof unreality and remoteness of society.

Reasons and symptoms of a derealization

The syndrome of a derealization is followed by the distorted perception of reality, a depression and the wrong assessment of surrounding space. At patients self-checking and adequate behavior remains.

This frustration has psychotic and neurotic character, and also is often combined with a depression, neurosises and alarming states.

The deprivation and its effects is the cornerstone of the majority of the reasons of a derealization. As a result of the distorted perception the reality becomes vague, slowed down, alien and strange. All events and the phenomena are considered by the patient through a film and fog, and are sometimes perceived as scenery.

It is possible to carry to the main reasons for a derealization:

  • long suppression of own desires and impossibility of self-realization in society;
  • severe stress, chronic fatigue and overfatigue;
  • reception of narcotic and psychotropic drugs;
  • the injuring situations of psychological and physical character – accident, loss of the loved one, the panic attacks, etc.

The syndrome of a derealization is often similar to depersonalization, but has symptoms of other character and expression. The main symptoms of a derealization are connected with mental changes, loss of orientation in space and time, alienation from the social environment and a rupture of public relations. Lingering depression and melancholy, isolation and refusal of communication with people can lead to a derealization.

In psychiatry and neurology allocate the following symptoms of a derealization:

  • distortions in perception of the world around;
  • distortions in touch and sound perception;
  • lack of color perception;
  • delay or full stop of time;
  • lack of perception of the actions in society, feeling of observations of and people around from outside.

Diagnosis of a disease

The syndrome of a derealization is diagnosed by the psychiatrist and the neurologist in the presence of psychopathological manifestations. Derealization proceeds without imaginary perceptions, illusions and hallucinations, mental automatism.

For diagnosis of a disease the patient has to have examination at the neurologist and the psychiatrist who for definition of the exact diagnosis use Nuller's scale.

If necessary Для лечения дереализации применяется Тазепамappoint blood test and urine, ultrasonography and MRT of a brain.

Treatment of a derealization

If the derealization is not the temporary protective mechanism of mentality, then neurologists, psychotherapists and psychologists have to be engaged in its treatment. A syndrome of a derealization it is necessary to treat together with the basic mental disease and according to a condition of the patient.

The initial stage of treatment of a derealization is establishment of causes of illness and their elimination.

As a derealization choose drugs and medicines. The following drugs are a part of medicamentous therapy:

  • tranquilizers (Phenazepamum, Elenium, Tazepamum, etc.);
  • antidepressants of the selection type (Venlafaksin, Gabapentin, etc.);
  • vitamins and polyvitamins.

The main feature of treatment of a derealization is selection of individual therapy which will influence all set of aspects of pathogenetic development of this disease. Treatment is appointed taking into account psychological type of the identity of the patient, his autonomic nervous system and a condition of neuromediator system.

The modern therapies directed to elimination of symptoms of a derealization consist of the psychological modulating receptions, psychotherapeutic techniques of recovery, hypnosis, programs of synchronizing modulation and touch stimulation, methods of cognitive and color treatment.

Effective treatment of a derealization will be at purpose of a special autopsychotherapy, improvement of vital conditions of the patient, normalization of a sleep pattern, rest and food. Regular exercise stresses, an alternating douche, massage, swimming and relaxation procedures are necessary for the patient.

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