The famous Soviet dietitian M. Pevzner developed the diets or tables applied at various diseases. So, the diet 1 is intended for the people suffering from a peptic ulcer of a stomach and duodenum or gastritis.
This diet is subdivided into several tables:
At a diet 1 M. Pevzner recommended to patients the use of the following types of products:
If you suffer from a peptic ulcer of a stomach or duodenum and to you clinical nutrition – a diet a table 1 on Pevznera is appointed, then it is necessary to refuse all products strengthening secretory function of a stomach. Treat them:
To remember what products are allowed you and what are prohibited to use most simply the summary table on a diet 1 which can be downloaded from the Internet or to make independently. It includes several columns. In the first of them the general name of any food stuffs, for example "Vegetables" is specified. In the second column those from them which you can use, and in the third – what it is necessary to refuse are noted. The table on a diet 1 helps to facilitate the correct organization of clinical nutrition considerably.
Recipes of a diet 1 provide preparation of dishes either on couple, or in a boiled look. During an aggravation of a peptic ulcer they are given in the wiped look.
Not all patients well transfer milk which use at a diet 1 has to make about 5 glasses a day. In this case it is allowed to mix milk with rather weak sweet tea.
Meal has to be frequent and small portions. It is not necessary to use both too hot, and cold dishes.
As practice shows, observance of a diet 1 in two weeks leads to noticeable improvement of the state of health of patients. But, as well as any other method of treatment, a diet a table 1 demands from them a certain sequence and self-discipline. Disturbance of the principles of clinical nutrition, as well as the use of the prohibited products until the end of a full course of treatment, leads practically at once to emergence of a discomfortable state and pains in a stomach.
Having fallen from a donkey, you more likely will kill yourself, than having fallen from a horse. Only do not try to disprove this statement.
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