Diet 9

The diet 9 is the medical power supply system (a medical table) developed by the Soviet nutritionist Mikhail Pevzner for therapy Особенности диеты 9of a diabetes mellitus of easy and average severity. Modifications of this medical table were appointed by the patient with heavy diabetes and at a combination of obesity and disturbances of carbohydrate metabolism. Conditions for use of a diet 9 at diabetes is the normal or a little excess body weight and the small need for administration of insulin (from 0 to 30 units a day according to the scheme). Besides, this diet can be applied at infectious damage of joints, rheumatism, bronchial asthma, allergic diseases, diathesis. The purpose of a diet 9 is achievement of normal exchange of carbohydrates in an organism, providing optimal conditions for selection of antihyperglycemic therapy. Also the diet a table 9 promotes correction of a lipometabolism and a water and electrolytic state. Thus, at observance of a diet 9 it is possible to reach normal levels of sugar of blood, cholesterol, to reduce the arterial pressure and hypostases.

Basic principles of a diet table 9

The diet 9 is moderately low-calorie. In total in days 1900-2300 kilocalories are recommended. Energy value is limited generally at the expense of digestible carbohydrates and animal fats. Also it is recommended to reduce consumption of complex carbohydrates and vegetable fats. Proteins in food are not limited, their volume meets age standard and associated diseases. In total in day it is possible to use about 100 grams of proteins, 80 grams of fats, 300 grams of carbohydrates, 10-12 grams of salt, 1,5 liters of water in food. When cooking it is necessary to give preference to roasting, suppression, but not a browning. For preparation of sweet dishes it is possible to use sweeteners. Now xylitol, sorbite, saccharin, aspartame, cyclomate, a grass a stevia and some other sweeteners of food are used. The food is accepted 5-6 times a day by small portions. If the patient does not use insulin, then each meal has to be approximately identical by amount of carbohydrates. If insulin is appointed, then the volume of carbohydrates can change together with change of a dose of insulin of short action. Food on a diet 9dolzhna to contain the minimum quantity of extractive substances, cholesterol and the maximum quantity of vitamins, food fibers, lipotropic substances.

What can be eaten and that it is impossible on a diet a table 9

On this power supply system those products which contain few carbohydrates are the most preferable. From grain products it is rye, proteinaceous and wheat, proteinaceous отрубный, wheat bread of the 2nd grade, porridge from yachnevy, buckwheat, pearl-barley, millet, oat grain within norm of carbohydrates. The meat and fish products approved on a diet 9 are low-fat grades of meat, a rabbit, hens, cow-heel, fast ham, doctor's sausage, low-fat fish in the boiled and baked look, the soaked herring in a small amount. From vegetables low-calorie are especially recommended to patients: cabbage, salad, pumpkin, vegetable marrows, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants. Taking into account consumption of carbohydrates on a diet 9 potatoes, carrots, beet, green peas are resolved. From fruit and berries sweet-sour grades, compote without sugar are recommended (250 ml a day). Dairy products can be used only low-fat and without sugar. Sour cream is strongly limited.

On a diet 9 the products rich with simple carbohydrates, animal fats are prohibited to use. It is impossible to eat rich and sweet flour products, fat grades of meat, a goose, a duck, fat ham, sausages smoked, canned meat. From fruit are not recommended rich with simple carbohydrates: grapes, raisin, dates, fig, dried apricots, prunes, bananas, sugar, honey, jam, candies, ice cream. It is impossible to drink fruit juice, sweet lemonades. Earlier endocrinologists advised completely to refuse semolina, rice, pasta. Today to use these products in food it is considered admissible in a small amount.

The menu for a week on a diet 9

The approximate menu for a week on a diet 9 is developed by the leading Soviet nutritionists. This menu was used at stationary Рацион диеты 9therapy, and also in the conditions of sanatorium treatment of patients with a diabetes mellitus.


  • Breakfast: buckwheat cereal, low-fat cottage cheese with milk, coffee drink
  • Lunch: milk
  • Lunch: Russian cabbage soup from fresh cabbage with vegetable oil, meat boiled with milk sauce, fruit jelly
  • Afternoon snack: apple
  • Dinner: fish boiled, baked in milk sauce, schnitzel cabbage, tea
  • Before going to bed: kefir


  • Breakfast: porridge pearl-barley, egg, cabbage salad, coffee drink
  • Lunch: milk
  • Lunch: a rassolnik, mashed potatoes, beef liver in sauce, dried fruits compote
  • Afternoon snack: fruit jelly
  • Dinner: stewed cabbage, boiled chicken, tea
  • Before going to bed: kefir


  • Breakfast: porridge, low-fat cottage cheese with milk, coffee drink
  • Lunch: kissel
  • Lunch: borsch vegetarian, buckwheat cereal, boiled meat, tea
  • Afternoon snack: the pear is unsweetened
  • Dinner: egg, vinaigrette, tea
  • Before going to bed: curdled milk


  • Breakfast: buckwheat cereal, low-fat cottage cheese with milk, coffee drink
  • Lunch: kefir
  • Lunch: Russian cabbage soup vegetarian of fresh cabbage with vegetable oil, meat boiled with milk sauce, compote
  • Afternoon snack: the pear is unsweetened
  • Dinner: fish boiled, baked in milk sauce, schnitzel cabbage, tea
  • Before going to bed: kefir


  • Breakfast: hard-boiled egg, the vinaigrette without potatoes filled with vegetable oil, butter, coffee drink
  • Lunch: apple
  • Lunch: soup pea, sauerkraut, fried meat, tea
  • Afternoon snack: fresh fruit
  • Dinner: boiled chicken, vegetable pudding, tea
  • Before going to bed: curdled milk


  • Breakfast: porridge millet, doctor's sausage, coffee drink
  • Lunch: broth of wheat bran
  • Lunch: fish soup, meat boiled, mashed potatoes, tea
  • Afternoon snack: kefir
  • Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese with milk, porridge, tea
  • Before going to bed: apple


  • Breakfast: buckwheat cereal, hard-boiled egg, coffee drink
  • Lunch: apple
  • Lunch: soup vegetable, ground beef cutlet, pearl-barley porridge, tea
  • Afternoon snack: milk
  • Dinner: fish boiled, vegetable salad, potatoes boiled, tea
  • Before going to bed: kefir

Reviews of a diet 9

Reviews of a diet 9 are rather contradictory. Doctors in reviews of a diet 9 note its efficiency at patients without excess body weight and at a right choice of medicines, including insulin. Patients consider a diet 9 very nutritious, various, but not too convenient in use. Patients with small excess body weight in reviews of a diet 9 at diabetes note decrease in body weight due to increase in standard metabolism of substances. This diet is rich with microelements, vitamins, food fibers, so, supports good health and working capacity during the day.

At the moment many ideas of a diet at a diabetes mellitus do not correspond to this medical table any more. The diet 9 at diabetes is considered outdated, and it is seldom recommended by endocrinologists in polyclinic practice. However many principles of this power supply system are used also in a modern dietotherapy of a diabetes mellitus.

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