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Diet for pregnant women

Diet for pregnant women – the balanced diet of food of the woman during pregnancy which promotes easier Особенности диеты для беременныхincubation of the child, the correct set of weight, normal fetation. The healthy nutrition corresponding to the pregnancy period will help not only to avoid undesirable effects of pregnancy (excess weight after the delivery, change of a condition of skin and hair), but also to avoid some symptoms characteristic of trimesters (nausea, heartburn).

Diet for pregnant women: what excess weight at pregnancy is dangerous by

An optimum set of weight at pregnancy is especially individual and in the majority will depend on the initial weight of the woman before pregnancy. With an insufficient weight on IMT (less than 18) risk to gain excess weight it is much above, than at normal IMT or small excess weight. At polycarpous pregnancy a set of weight a little bigger.

Normal the woman during pregnancy gains from 7 to 14 kg. The diet for pregnant women differs from traditional diets for weight loss a little. During this period it is much more important to balance amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and also vitamins, micro and macrocells. The diet for pregnant women allows to correlate a normal set of weight of future mother, child and his normal pre-natal development.

The constant feeling of hunger is considered one of precursory symptoms of pregnancy. Following a diet for pregnant women even at unconfirmed pregnancy, the woman will easily avoid many problems most of which of future mothers on different terms faces.

The risks for pregnant women connected with improper feeding:

  • Excess weight and its effects;
  • Hypostases;
  • Locks;
  • Allergies;
  • Toxicosis;
  • Heartburn;
  • Feeling of weight in a stomach;
  • Frustration.

Effects of excess weight at pregnancy:

  • Development of a large fruit;
  • Premature births;
  • Risk of development of an eclampsia;
  • Disturbance of fetation;
  • Birth trauma;
  • Fruit hypoxia;
  • Varicosity;

Рацион диеты для беременныхThe banal overeating and bystry saturation is digestible carbohydrates the main reason for excess weight at pregnancy. The diet for pregnant women will help to balance a diet, to stop feeling of hunger between meals. Keeping to a diet at pregnancy, many women manage to keep a figure, to avoid extensions, it is easy to normalize an organism after the delivery.

Diet during pregnancy: indications to observance

The diet during pregnancy is shown to all women, however the diet and type of food will significantly differ, proceeding from the woman's weight before pregnancy, the family anamnesis, chronic diseases. The diet diet during pregnancy will change depending on dynamics of enrollment of weight.

There is an opinion that during pregnancy the woman should not limit herself in food as desire to eat this or that product is dictated not by an organism of the pregnant woman, and the developing child. Actually the feeling of hunger during pregnancy is explained by change of a hormonal background (estrogen growth). Quite often women during the period before periods when the level of hormones sharply changes, also hunger unreasonable. Therefore it is impossible to give in to it categorically. From first weeks it is recommended to adhere to the general diet. The individual diet will be adjusted by the gynecologist observing pregnancy on the basis of the general a condition of the woman, results of analyses and indicators of addition of weight.

The diet during pregnancy is obligatory, however it does not mean at all that the woman is not able to afford excess having a snack. The main bans concern "harmful" products: instant products (fast food), the products containing preservatives, smoked products, a pickles and hot spices in large numbers, strong tea and coffee.

Diet for pregnant women: the menu on trimesters

Why during a diet for pregnant menus break on trimesters? Such change of a diet is completely caused by fetation. At pre-natal development necessary micro and macrocells the child receives the most part from mother, exhausting that her organism. The diet for pregnant women represents the balanced diet which allows to fill missing elements and to avoid avitaminosis. The diet for pregnant women which menu is formed on trimesters is the most optimum and easy for observance.

The diet at pregnancy on trimesters promotes the correct set of weight. In the first trimester it is enough to woman to increase consumption of calories on 200 (at polycarpous pregnancy to 300), in the second and third trimester to 300 calories (to 400 at polycarpous pregnancy). In a diet at pregnancy there are no fasting days and starvation.

Diet for pregnant women: 1 trimester

Women should begin to keep to a diet for pregnant women of 1 trimester, strangely enough, even before pregnancy that will allow an organism easier to adapt to a new state. During this period it is necessary to increase consumption of folic acid (lettuce leaves, grain). It is necessary to follow the rules of healthy food: to exclude fat and fried, an overeating, to eat vitamin-rich products (fruit, cheeses, fermented milk products). The diet for pregnant women of 1 trimester provides the use of products with the increased content of calcium: dairy products, greens, cereals, broccoli. A source of zinc and manganese on early durations of gestation are meat (birds including), nuts, eggs, raisin, porridge. In 1 trimester it is recommended to exclude the products promoting gas generation (cabbage in any kind). During this period the diet for pregnant women has to be supported with a vitamin complex.

Diet at pregnancy: 2nd trimester

The diet for the 2nd trimester has to promote the active growth of the child. There is an enrichment of a diet of the pregnant woman. However increase in the consumed calories has to be made not in a quantitative change of the consumed food, and in qualitative. During this period the organism of the child demands vitamins A and beta carotene whom cabbage, carrots, yellow pepper will help to fill balance in mother's organism.

Diet for pregnant women: 3rd trimester

The diet for pregnant 3 trimesters will help to get rid to the woman of heartburn and gastric discomfort. During this period doctors recommend fractional food. The menu of future mother has to be rich with the calcium, fatty acids promoting development of a brain and the child's TsNS, iron which will allow the child to avoid anemia in a puerperal period. The diet for pregnant 3 trimesters has to contain fat grades of fish, red meat, nuts, vegetables of dark green color, yogurts, fruit.

In recent weeks pregnancy the organism of the woman demands complex carbohydrates (bread from unscreened flour, cereals, crude and stewed vegetables).

The diet for pregnant women offers the healthy menu. Each woman defines quantity of the consumed products for herself individually. However it is worth remembering that pregnancy – not a reason for an overeating. Overconsumption of food will only complicate the course of pregnancy.

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The first vibrator was invented in the 19th century. It worked at the steam engine and intended for treatment of female hysteria.