It is authentically known that about 20% of men in the world have excess weight. And if questions of an esthetics can be considered a matter of taste, then the objective problems with health caused by an overeating have very terrible effects.
Disturbance of processes of digestion involves digestive tract diseases. Often deadly cardiovascular problems, for example, heart attacks, strokes, atherosclerosis and a diabetes mellitus, are also a consequence of obesity.
Approach to creation of the menu of a diet for men has no fundamental differences from female diets. The main difference is a caloric content. If for weight loss of women energy value of the daily menu has to equal 1200 kcal, then the effective diet for men has caloric content to 1700 kcal a day.
The weight loss diet for men has to be full, especially in the presence of exercise stresses. Protein, rough vegetable indigestible fibers, vitamins (And, D, E, C and groups B), microelements have to be its part without fail (in particular magnesium and calcium). At observance of a diet it is necessary to watch the drinking mode: the daily amount of water has to be not less than 2 liters.
The menu of a diet for men has to include low-fat meat in the boiled, stewed, baked look or steamed. You should not forget that the most valuable source of easily acquired protein is fish. Dishes vegetable have to become a garnish to proteinaceous dishes. At the use of flour products preference should be given to products with bran. The fat-free fermented milk products and grain in the form of porridges, soups, etc. are also necessary.
During weight reduction it is necessary to refrain from alcohol intake, fat and fried dishes, a pickles and smoked products. It is not necessary to abuse the hot spices stimulating appetite. Once you try to exclude from the menu of a diet for men high-calorific sauces, such, to minimize ketchup and mayonnaise, and the use of sugar.
The term "drying of a body for men" removed to dietology from the circle of professional athletes. Unlike other diets for men drying of a body represents a technique of disposal of fatty deposits.
Fatty tissue is steadier, than proteinaceous. Thus, during usual weight loss quite often decrease in body weight happens due to decrease in muscle bulk at preservation of fatty deposits. Besides, at reduction of the muscles capable to spend energy, unlike fatty tissues, a set of body weight occurs quicker. Drying of a body allows to get rid of fat and to keep a muscular relief.
Integral part of successful drying of a body except a diet are exercise stresses. At observance of a diet it is necessary to use the following products in enough:
As a rule, the diet when drying a body for men is expected a week. The daily diet consists of three main meals and two having a snack between them. Making the menu, it is necessary to remember that the more fatty deposits, the more at food there have to be proteins less carbohydrates. At the same time completely to exclude carbohydrates hazardously to health. During this period the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates has to look as 6/2/2 whereas at usual food – 2/2/6.
In general modern nutritionists claim that short-term diets are rather harmful to weight loss, than are useful. To have optimum body weight, it is necessary to develop the correct power supply system and to adhere to it on a constant basis.
The 74-year-old resident of Australia James Harrison became blood donor about 1000 times. It has a rare blood group which antibodies help to survive the newborn with a severe form of anemia. Thus, the Australian saved about two million children.
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