Diet for a stomach – the system of rules of food recommended at pathology of this digestive organ.
Most often for a stomach people begin to think of healthy nutrition and a diet when there are problems. The first signs of trouble usually are: weight in a stomach, heartburn, pains or an eructation acid. Stronger pains disturb after acid, acute, too salty and greasy food. In that case it is about gastritis with a hyperoxemia – a chronic inflammation of a mucous membrane of a stomach at which digestive glands produce hydrochloric acid in excess quantity.
Such symptoms should not be disregarded as the started disease passes into heavier phase or even into a peptic ulcer of a stomach. The doctor can appoint additional inspection and medicines for treatment of gastritis, but the diet for a stomach plays nearly the most important role in recovery. Without observance of a diet for a stomach gastritis will constantly become aggravated that will lead sooner or later to complications.
At a hyperoxemia of a gastric juice it is necessary to select very carefully and elaborately dishes for a food allowance. They should not cause excess stimulation of work of digestive glands. In the period of an aggravation it is regularly recommended to cook cream soups, and also soups on a mucous basis.
The diet for a stomach excludes such dishes as:
It is impossible to salt too strongly food, at the same time sugar of special harm for a stomach does not represent.
The diet for a stomach has to include first of all vegetables with the small content of cellulose as their digestion requires less digestive juices. At an aggravation such vegetables as are resolved:
It is better to use the vegetables in the boiled or soared look which are small wiped. The sorrel, cabbage, a radish, beet is not recommended.
On a diet at acidity it is better to choose from fruit not acid types, and also those that easily and quickly are digested. They will easier be acquired if move to a table in the baked or boiled look (puree, mousse).
The diet at acidity can include various porridges cooked on water or milk. In the period of an exacerbation of gastritis it is better to do them wiped. The mucous consistence of porridge works on inflamed mucous a stomach smyagchayushche and obvolakivayushche. It is useful to include in a diet diet for a stomach cottage cheese, eggs, milk.
Choosing meat or fish for a diet at a hyperoxemia, it is necessary to stop on low-fat grades. Though fat directly does not influence products of hydrochloric acid, products with the high content of fat are in a stomach longer, slowing down digestion and causing excess activity of digestive glands. It is better to exclude animal fats on a diet for a stomach absolutely, and here 2-3 tablespoons in day of vegetable oil can be added to food.
Dried or not acid fresh fruit compotes, rather weak tea, usual water will be the most suitable drinks on a diet at acidity. Especially from drinks It should be noted kissel – it well envelops mucous a stomach and reduces abdominal pains. Alkaline still mineral waters are capable to have also medical effect. It is forbidden to have coffee and any carbonated drinks at a hyperoxemia. Right after food and especially during it it is better not to drink, and to do it 1-1,5 hours later after meal.
The diet for a stomach regulates also meal frequency. It is better to eat fractionally and often – 5-6 times a day, and in proportion to reduce the sizes of portions. Never you should miss a breakfast, it is very important for health of a stomach. It is better not to eat proteinaceous food along with carbohydrate-rich food.
From this example it is well visible that the diet for a stomach can be both tasty, and various, and useful at the same time.
First day:
Second day:
The third day of a diet for a stomach:
Fourth day:
Fifth day:
The sixth day of a diet for a stomach:
Seventh day:
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