Oncological diseases, unfortunately, around the world tend to growth. Therefore the solution of this problem is very urgent for one and all. The world community constantly deals with this issue and actively works in this direction. Developments of various methods of prevention and treatment of oncological diseases serve as the evidence. In practice both medical techniques, and nonconventional ways are used. One of them is Moermang's diet.
Now one of popular, and the most important of efficient power supply systems, the anti-cancer diet of Moermang is considered.
Doctor Moermang worked and lived in the Netherlands. All the long life – and he lived 96 years, he fought for lives of the people having oncological diseases. Hundreds of people were saved by it. Having investigated a method which was used by Moermang, it became clear that from 150 patients with oncological pathology undergoing at it treatment 115 were cured completely.
The diet of doctor Moermang was not recognized initially by representatives of medical circles and was even exposed to criticism. It seemed to them that the method of prevention and cancer therapy is too simple and primitive. Unfortunately, not everyone remembers that all ingenious is simple.
Moermang persistently went about the own business, curing even the most fatal cases whom doctors already refused to treat. And, eventually, he managed to gain deserved recognition of society. In 1987 the anti-cancer diet of Moermang was officially recognized and approved by the Ministry of Health of the Netherlands as one of methods of prevention and treatment of malignant new growths. The famous scientist, twice the Nobel Prize laureate, L. Polling also actively supported Moermang's diet as one of unique techniques of cancer therapy.
What this method consists in and what it gives to a human body? Doctor Moermang's diet first of all is directed to strengthening of immune system of a human body and improvement of a metabolism. And it is possible at regular consumption of natural products in rather large number:
At the balanced acid environment in an organism cancer cells are not capable to breed. Therefore they are encapsulated and completely collapse. And healthy cells receive enough useful substances therefore they do not regenerate in malignant.
The menu for the patients with oncological diseases adhering to an anti-cancer diet of Moermang is formed approximately thus:
Using Moermang's diet, it is necessary to consider that there are food stuffs which are recommended to be used in food, and is such which it is necessary to refuse.
Adhering to an anti-cancer diet of Moermang, it is necessary to use in a large number in food the following products:
Products which are not recommended for using at Moermang's diet:
The patients adhering to Moermang's diet need to refuse flatly smoking.
In doctor Moermang's diet nutritional supplements play an important role in the course of cancer therapy. They contain minerals and vitamins necessary for an organism for full work of an organism in general. The recommended doses of vitamins:
Vitamin A – in the morning 50000 ME;
Vitamin C - 5 times a day on 250 mg;
E-vitamin of 5 times a day on 80 ME;
Group B vitamins: B1, B2 and RR on 50-100 mg; B6 - from 20 to 50 mg; B9 plus biotin on 5 mkg; B12 - 20 mkg.
Mineral substances:
Citric acid 10-15g is dissolved in 300 g of boiled water and 3 times a day are drunk on 1 tbsp;
To mix powder of sublimed sulfur 500 of mg with oil and to use in the mornings and in the evening;
The spirit 3% of solution of iodine 1-3 drops mix up from 300 g of water and 3 times a day are drunk on 1 tbsp.
The diet of doctor Moermang provides five times food. Portions at the same time have to be small.
In Holland the association of Moermang functions. It totals more than 10 thousand members. And the diet of Moermang perfectly proved in wide circles of patients around the world.
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