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Diet for 3 days

Питание во время диеты на 3 дняThe diet for 3 days is one of the most popular methods of weight loss, since eightieth years of last century. Refer rather bystry result to its main advantages. Thanks to low-calorie the express it is possible for weight loss in 3 days, according to many, to lose weight by 2-3 kg.

According to nutritionists, similar the express the diet in 3 days is a big stress for an organism, especially at a habit to daily eat large volumes of food. This method causes the serious psychological problems connected with an acrimony which is caused by feeling of hunger. To begin to follow the express it is desirable for a diet for 3 days since Friday as working capacity these days falls. Besides during this period it is recommended to observe a sleep pattern, giving it not less than 8 hours.

Diet diet for 3 days

The first day of a diet for weight loss 3 days (1024 calories) includes:

  • Breakfast – black tea or coffee, a half of grapefruit, one toast with a spoon of peanut butter;
  • Lunch – 100-150 g of a tuna, one toast and black tea or coffee;
  • Dinner – 50-60 g of chicken or any fast meat, a glass of carrot juice, one apple, on 100-150 g of boiled green beans and vanilla ice cream.

The second day includes the diet express for 3 days (1137 calories):

  • Breakfast – black tea or coffee, one boiled hard-boiled egg, 1/2 bananas, one toast;
  • Lunch – 100-150 g of a tuna, 8 salty crackers;
  • Dinner – 1/2 banana, a half-glass of carrot juice, 100-150 g of boiled cabbage of broccoli, 50-60 g of ice cream, 2 pieces of fast beef.

The third day of a diet for weight loss 3 days (924 calories) includes:

  • Breakfast – black tea or coffee, 5 salty crackers, 30 g of cheddar cheese, one apple;
  • Lunch – black tea or coffee, one boiled egg, one toast;
  • Dinner – on 100-120 g of a melon, a tuna, a boiled cauliflower, a glass of carrot juice and 50-60 g of ice cream.

According to many nutritionists, this diet for 3 days is not useful and it is much more effective to reconsider the habits which caused excess weight than to follow low-calorie diets. However in cases when it is necessary to dump 2-3 kg for short term, this diet for 3 days, according to reviews, is rather effective.

According to the basic principles to lose weight, it is necessary to keep to a diet in 3 days to the smallest details, however in case of need some ingredients in a diet can be changed. So, the tuna can be replaced with cottage cheese, grapefruit – orange, broccoli – a cauliflower, ice cream – yogurt, carrots – beet, meat and egg – tofu, a cracker – a toast, peanut butter – almond.

It is possible to adhere to a diet for 3 days weekly if for the next four days a week it is full and balanced to eat.

The greatest danger to gain back lost weight is constituted by the three first day after a diet. Therefore in order that efforts did not go to waste and weight did not return, food has to be reserved and balanced.

It is considered that the diet secret for 3 days consists in unique metabolic reaction which allows to burn excess fat, to clear an organism and to reduce cholesterol level. However nutritionists are inclined to assume that its low caloric content is the main reason of weight reduction.

How to reduce appetite in time the diet express for 3 days

As the diet for 3 days is low-calorie, during its observance great difficulties are brought by the constant feeling of hunger accompanying it which has not only the physical, but also psychological reasons. That easier and quicker to lose weight on a diet in 3 days, it is possible to take several advice in order that this process proceeded not so painfully:

  • On observations not only those who keep to a diet but also it is not so easy to distinguish many doctors naturopaths, feeling of thirst and hunger. Clear water helps to manage feeling of hunger during a diet for 3 days if to drink it in enough during the day, especially for some time before food. Besides, many researches show that at observance of the correct water balance weight loss on a diet in 3 days happens more intensively. The daily dose of water has to make not less than 2 liters, at the same time water with fresh juice of a lemon or lime is especially useful to weight reduction;
  • According to many researches the lack of a dream owing to the psychological reasons is often compensated by excess food. Besides, during some phases of a dream which usually come between the sixth and eighth hour calories are burned more intensively. Therefore it is the most effective to combine weight loss on a diet for 3 days with a full-fledged eight-hour dream;
  • Excess weight often is a consequence of a habit is very quickly, without chewing food carefully. During a diet for weight loss time is recommended to find 3 days to enjoy each piece of food, long and intensively chewing it. On many researches, the feeling of saturation usually does not arise earlier, than in 20 minutes from the moment of the beginning of food. Therefore for relief of symptoms of hunger it is recommended to eat food not less this time.

Exercises for weight loss on a diet 3 days

The low number of calories on which this diet is based usually does not promote the increased energy level. Therefore in time the weight loss express in 3 days insignificant exercise stresses are welcomed.

According to some researches conducted in Great Britain, aerobic exercises during this period it is more preferable than any power trainings demanding big muscular tension. For the weight loss express in 3 days pedestrian walks, swimming, run, aerobic dances, and also driving by bicycle and skis are considered the most useful.

In cases if similar fasting days are spent weekly, then in days of good nutrition it is possible to be engaged in intensive trainings that will help to set the result received during weight loss on a diet in 3 days.

Cautions for the weight loss express in 3 days

Примерное меню диеты на 3 дняAccording to reviews to keep to a diet for 3 days rather difficult as throughout this time it is accompanied by feeling of hunger. When developing severe headaches and dizzinesses the diet is recommended to be interrupted. Especially it concerns situations when during observance of a diet physical and intellectual tension is necessary.

In the first day after the termination of a diet for 3 days it is necessary to limit the use of food, carbohydrate-rich, at the same time it is possible to eat large volumes of vegetables and meat.

Also during a diet for 3 days, according to reviews, often there is a psychological melancholy for usual food, most often on pastries. Therefore especially in the first day after the termination of a diet it is necessary to be careful and try not to gather the extra kilos which are again lost hardly. Of course, if flavoring habits cannot be overcome at once, then it is necessary to try to eat carbohydrate and greasy food in the small portions, alternating it to vegetables and fruit.

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