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Diet on bran

The diet on bran is the power supply system directed to weight loss, and also intended for complex clarification of an organism, improvement of a vermicular movement of bodies of a GIT and prevention of cardiovascular diseases.Диета на отрубях - сбалансированная система питания

Features of a diet on bran

At observance of a diet on bran it is necessary to change a food allowance, having excluded from it coffee, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, farinaceous food, chocolate and fat meat. Caloric content of products should not be higher than 1300 kcal a day. Food has to be fractional and divided into 5-6 portions. A basis of this diet are different types of bran, vegetables and fruit, dietary fowl and fishes, the fat-free fermented milk products.

In the first day of a diet on bran it is impossible to take kefir and other fermented milk products, but it is necessary to drink not less than 2 liters of liquid. In the next days for purgation bran it is possible to use the fat-free fermented milk products of 1 times a day.

Efficiency of a diet and clarification of an organism directly depends on that how to accept bran for weight loss. First of all, it is necessary to consider properties of different types of bran and their influence on an organism. It is possible to allocate 3 main types of bran for weight loss:

  • oat bran which sates an organism and eliminate a hunger attack, clear of slags and improve metabolism process. They are most useful to people with cardiovascular diseases, disturbances of functioning of a liver and pancreas;
  • wheat bran which contains a large amount of food fibers and are effective for treatment of dysbacteriosis, elimination of a lock, a meteorism and spasms in a stomach;
  • rye bran which well suits people with a diabetes mellitus, anemia, oncological diseases and also eliminate deficit of cellulose, minerals, potassium, selenium, copper and vitamin B.

Among main types of bran rye products possess a large amount of medicinal properties and are suitable for inclusion in structure of the therapy directed to treatment of infertility and impotence.

The diet on bran received good comments as the balanced power supply system with a wide range of the useful properties directed to clarification and improvement of an organism.

The diet on bran lasts from 5 to 15 days for which the organism is cleared, intestinal microflora is normalized and glucose level in blood decreases. Effective purgation allows to eliminate with bran symptoms of dysbacteriosis and to normalize defecation process.

Medical researches established that the diet on bran allows to eliminate dyskinesia of a gall bladder, to improve a zhelchevydeleniye and to normalize functioning of a liver.

Planning of the menu of a diet on bran

The diet on bran has to be correctly planned and consist only of natural products. Before accepting bran for weight loss it is necessary to reduce gradually within 5 days the number of the calories used in days.

Classical wheat, rice, rye and oat bran can be replaced with small loafs with bran and grain germs. For effective weight loss by the adult bran needs to be eaten 2-3 times days, and children from 3 years (for prevention of excess weight) can eat on the 2nd teaspoons soaked in water or milk of bran.

Daily bran can be made boiled water or milk, to add to yogurt, cottage cheese or natural fruit juice.

The good effect of clarification gives mix of several types of bran with addition of skim cheese or kefir.

In the period of a diet on bran between the main meals it is possible to have a bite fresh vegetables and fruit, and also to drink freshly squeezed juice and 1,5 liters of boiled water in days.Очищение кишечника отрубями - способ улучшения перистальтики органов ЖКТ

Advantages and shortcomings of a diet on bran

The diet on bran has advantages and shortcomings, and also this system of clarification is contraindicated to use at a number of diseases. It is not necessary to adhere to this diet to people with a peptic ulcer and erosion, a diarrhea syndrome, gastritis and internal bleedings.

Purgation bran should be carried out by small courses to avoid abdominal distention, diarrhea and a meteorism, and also deficit of cellulose.

The diet on bran has a set of good responses as the dietary menu which enriches an organism with useful active agents and vitamins A, E and Century. As a result of regular addition in a diet of bran cholesterol level is normalized, arterial pressure decreases, functioning of the alimentary system improves and gradually excess weight is eliminated.

Oat and rye bran is absorbents which remove slags and toxins, promotes combustion of fats and acceleration of exchange processes.

The diet on bran received positive reviews as the dietary menu directed to step-by-step weight loss, and also clarification without stresses and exhaustion of an organism.

Whether you know that:

Scientists from the Oxford university conducted a number of researches during which they came to a conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to a human brain as leads to decrease in its weight. Therefore scientists recommend not to exclude completely from the diet fish and meat.