The famous American doctor naturopath, Peter D'Adamo, created a furor in dietology in due time, having put forward the concept called by it "4 blood groups – 4 ways to health". In it the interrelation between blood groups which, as we know, are hereditarily caused, and features of a metabolism of an organism and its exposure to these or those diseases was established. The theory of doctor D'Adamo was created not on scientific researches, and on long-term observations of the practicing doctors who came to a conclusion that people with an identical blood group have certain diseases more often, avoiding others.
Peter D'Adamo did not put the task creation of a diet for weight loss, the purpose of its system is improvement of an organism, and normalization of weight only one of aspects of the general improvement.
Doctor D'Adamo assumed that the need for these or those nutrients is also caused genetically, is correlated with a blood group. Adhering to food, optimum for the group, it is possible to find health which including is shown in achievement and maintenance of ideal weight. The principles of healthy nutrition, the list of desirable and undesirable products, and also recommendations of rather exercise stress were developed for each blood group.
According to the put-forward concept, the most ancient representatives of the human race have the genotype caused by their primary activity – hunting, and the food type corresponding to it, preferential proteinaceous. These are people with the first blood group whom the doctor called Hunters.
The second blood group appeared much later when people learned to process the earth, their type of food formed under the influence of agriculture products, respectively and they are called Farmers. Their diet preferential vegetable.
People with the third blood group are called Nomads, they combine in themselves signs of the first two types. For this group the mixed meat and cereal diet is optimum.
The smallest category – carriers of the fourth blood group. In Peter D'Adamo's theory it is suggested that it is the new, rather recently arisen type of people whom he and called – New people. Recommendations concerning a diet for this group contain the greatest number of restrictions, food type – mixed.
At once it is necessary to tell that scientific confirmations of this theory were not found. There are no data supporting the thesis that vital conditions and a diet are capable to exert impact on a genotype, on the contrary, the fact that the genotype of the person remains invariable throughout all life is scientifically determined, and does not depend on the environment, a kind of activity and food preferences.
At Peter D'Adamo's theory is a set both supporters, and opponents. Opponents of its system point to unscientific nature of approach and claim that assumptions of doctor D'Adamo it is just courageous assumptions without proofs, and the most radical directly call the American naturopath the charlatan. Supporters of the theory of food on blood groups say that experience of numerous clinical physicians cannot be dismissed and though the theoretical base really limps, the system nevertheless works that is confirmed by progress of numerous followers.
Where truth? To understand, we will count pluses and minuses of a diet on blood groups. So, pluses:
Thus, in a diet on blood groups all basic principles of healthy nutrition are considered. Undoubtedly, this diet exerts beneficial influence on an organism. Reasonably limiting day caloric content and combining such diet with physical exercises, it is possible to get rid of excess weight without harm for health.
The diet on a blood group is recommended also to the people needing a set of weight – normalization assumes achievement of the weight, optimum for the person.
Now about minuses:
As we see, the most part of objections concerns the academic part of the theory of Peter D'Adamo. As for a practical part then there are almost no problems – all conditions of healthy food are met. If to approach drawing up a diet responsibly, then it is quite possible to make it full on the basis of the recommended groups of products, and then need for reception of dietary supplements disappears.
For representatives of each of four blood groups three separate lists are made: the resolved products, neutral and prohibited.
How it is long possible to adhere to a diet on a blood group? Doctor D'Adamo claims that his diet considers all needs of the person and provides optimum metabolism therefore it is possible to adhere to it as much as long, and it is better all life.
Peter D'Adamo did not put the task creation of a diet for weight loss, the purpose of its system is improvement of an organism, and normalization of weight only one of aspects of improvement, though important. Therefore it is not necessary to be afraid of exhaustion at prolonged use of a diet, it does not threaten. After weight is normalized, an organism, receiving all necessary in the necessary mode, will support weight in an optimum state. By the way, the fact that the diet on a blood group is recommended also to the people needing a set of weight normalization is explained by it assumes achievement of the weight, optimum for the person.
It is clear, that with such approach there are no accurate reference points how it will be quickly possible to get rid of this or that number of kilograms. Nutritionists in such cases recommend to control weight loss process by weighing. It is necessary to be weighed several times a week at the same time, it is desirable to do it in the morning, after bowel emptying. If weight is not lost or decreases too slowly, it is necessary to reduce food caloric content due to reduction of portions. However it is necessary to remember that diets which caloric content is lower than 1500 kcal a day are unhealthy, besides, after their end the lost weight quickly is returned. For weight reduction 1800-2000 kcal a day are considered optimum.
To tell even the shortest and simple words, we involve 72 muscles.
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