Many face a problem of excess weight today. The reasons of its emergence can be the most various including internal: for example, hyposecretion of pancreatic and thyroid glands, adrenal glands or disturbance of functions of a hypothalamus. However most often leads a slow-moving way of life at which power consumption is lower, than the caloric value of the eaten food to obesity.
As a rule, a reasonable exit from current situation the diet seems, and the woman begins to try without consultation of the nutritionist one diet for another, causing irreparable injury to the health.
Let's consider danger of use of a diet from an unchecked source on the example of a diet with absorbent carbon.
The diet with absorbent carbon represents an alternative recreational technique of food. Her authors propagandize reception of absorbent carbon as good means of clarification from toxins and slags which the organism receives with food and water.
Absorbent carbon (Carbolenum) is the porous substance received from carbonic materials of an organic origin, first of all, from charcoal. Process of activation consists in opening in the thermal ways of the time which is in carbon material in the closed state.
Use of absorbent carbon is proved in a diet by the fact that it possesses the adsorbing and disintoxication action. Weight loss in a diet, according to her supporters, happens to absorbent carbon because this adsorbent blocks fats and carbohydrates in digestive tract. Thus, the caloric content of food decreases and there is a natural weight reduction.
There are following schemes of reception of absorbent carbon in a diet for weight loss:
At any scheme it is necessary to wash down tablets with a glass of water and is not within half an hour after reception of absorbent carbon for weight loss. In a diet use of purgatives of a plant origin is allowed also from time to time.
Recommendations about a diet during a diet with absorbent carbon are characterized, as a rule, by councils is less, to move, exclude more sweets and fried.
Loss of 5-6 kilograms will become result of a diet with absorbent carbon, according to authors of a technique.
Before making the decision to use for weight loss a diet with absorbent carbon, it is necessary to understand how actually there is a process of weight loss and to what effects can lead the excessive use of absorbent carbon.
It is necessary to know: in spite of the fact that absorbent carbon can be bought without recipe and for reasonable price, it is necessary to study carefully the instruction as drug has contraindications. These are cankers and bleedings in digestive tract.
It is difficult to predict what impact coal will make at prolonged use in each case. And in the described schemes of diets with absorbent carbon reception of tablets lasts from 10 days to one month.
Really, the absorbing ability of absorbent carbon allows to connect and bring toxins, excessive liquid and decomposition products out of an organism. However danger of this aspect is that at prolonged use in a diet of absorbent carbon, according to doctors, not only toxins, but also minerals, vitamins and other useful substances are absorbed and removed. Also in connection with the adsorptive properties absorbent carbon is capable to reduce efficiency of at the same time applied medicinal substances.
According to reviews, the diet with absorbent carbon does not bring some noticeable results as adsorbent does not block digestion of fats and carbohydrates.
Appetite decreases during a diet with absorbent carbon, but it is necessary to understand the reason for which it occurs. As appears from the described schemes, coal is required to be washed down with water for half an hour to food. As a result the stomach is filled and stretches water and solid particles of coal a little, and it leads to bystry feeling of satiety and, respectively, to reduction of a portion of food. But this effect also does not promote weight reduction because of property of coal to bring useful substances out of an organism. Food will stop being balanced, and the feeling of hunger will gradually return.
So, the diet with absorbent carbon, according to doctors and nutritionists, does more harm, than advantage. In medicine this adsorbent is widely used for bystry absorption of toxins, elimination of waste products of pathogenic flora and neutralization of some poisons at food poisoning. Use of absorbent carbon in a diet for weight loss is not approved by any of medical schools and has no relation to science.
According to opinion of many scientists, vitamin complexes are almost useless for the person.
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