Excess weight at teenagers can appear at the improper or excessive feeding, at an imbalance of hormones. If the child or the teenager is inclined to completeness, then parents have to have his food under special control. Various options of teenage diets for weight loss are absolutely harmless to the growing organism and do not influence working capacity at all. At the correct diet the teenager should not starve or overeat, change the hobbies and habits, a way of life. The diet for teenagers has to be formed so that new lipoblasts did not collect, and stocks of cells were gradually burned. The diet should be developed taking into account favourite products and dishes. Then the growing organism will quicker get used to a new correct diet. Any kind of a diet needs to be combined with regular trainings by sport.
During a diet for teenagers for weight loss it is necessary to reduce amount of the consumed salt significantly. Fruit, vegetables and berries it is the best of all to use seasonal. They contain a huge amount of vitamins and nutrients. It is necessary to transfer the child to a teenage diet very gradually. At first it is necessary to remove from its diet flour and confectionery, semolina porridge and other caloric products and dishes. Sugar needs to be replaced with honey. With an excessive weight breaks between meals have to be short, and portions small. At decrease in caloric content during a diet it is necessary to remember that reduction of the consumed calories should not be more than 20%. Diet caloric content for teenagers of 13 years has to make 2600 calories (for girls) and 3000 calories (for boys). At sports activities caloric content should be increased by 15-20%.
For teenagers it is necessary to include food rich with proteins in a diet. It is necessary to include chicken meat, eggs, dairy products in the menu. In a food allowance there have to be seafood as they incorporate the considerable volume of vitamins and valuable minerals. You should not transfer the child to the fat-free products as at teenage age formation of an organism requires a certain amount of fats of animal origin completely. At a diet of the child there shall be a vegetable food (cereals, crude vegetables, fruit, berries). Crude vegetables bring excess liquid and toxins out of an organism, and also deliver a huge number of nutritious components in an organism. It is not necessary to give to the teenager juice and nectars from shop as in them there are not enough vitamins and a lot of sugar.
You should not forget that the full-fledged breakfast is a basis of a sound body. Lunch soup should be cooked only on vegetable broth. It is possible to add cabbage to soup (color or usual), broccoli. In these vegetables of calories it is not enough, and their advantage is indisputable. It is necessary to try to pepper and salt all dishes less, and to fill salads only with olive oil. During a diet for teenagers for weight loss of sweet it is necessary to replace with nuts and dried fruits. Instead of white loaf and fancy bread it is recommended to give to the child bread from coarse flour. It is desirable to replace pork with chicken or a rabbit.
Weekly it is possible to indulge the child with frozen or other delicacy. The teenage diet can add useful microelements and vitamins K by means of polyvitaminic nutritional supplements.
During a diet for teenagers food is allowed in the evening. Diets for teenagers of 13 years significantly differ from a diet for teenagers of 16 and 17 years. At later age once a week it is possible to arrange fasting days, and the diet can be expanded with various products (coffee, mushrooms).
The diet for teenagers for weight loss has to be directed to increase in consumption of proteins against the background of reduction of consumption of carbohydrates. The daily diet of the teenager has to consist for 20% from proteins, for 30% from fats and for 50% from carbohydrates.
In the first day of a diet it is necessary to boil no more than hundred grams of buckwheat in the morning. For half an hour before meal to allow the child to drink a glass of tea with a honey teaspoon. For the second breakfast to suggest the child to drink a glass of milk. For lunch to cook soup on the basis of siliculose peas. To smear a small toast with oil. At feeling of hunger it is possible to boil egg. For an afternoon snack to give to the child grapefruit or apple with yogurt of low fat content. For dinner to bake potatoes with greens, to decorate a dish with fresh tomato and salad peppercorn.
For the second day of a teenage diet for weight loss it is possible to cook porridge or rice on milk. To suggest the child to drink a cup of tea with a small amount of honey. To expand the second breakfast at the expense of apple and yogurt. For lunch it is possible to cook meatless borsch. Meat is recommended to boil separately (no more than 150 grams). For an afternoon snack to offer the child a glass of low-fat kefir. For dinner it is possible to boil any vegetables.
For the third day of a diet for teenagers for the first breakfast to make spaghetti with oil and to add them with tomatoes. For the second breakfast to allow the teenager to drink a glass of milk with the toast smeared with cheese. For lunch to boil a little fast meat, to cut vinaigrette. For an afternoon snack it is allowed to give to the child a small amount of any nuts. For dinner it is desirable to bake sea fish in an oven, and as a garnish to add to it fresh tomatoes and cucumbers.
During fasting days completely exclude sweets from a diet, increase consumption of proteins to 100 grams a day, lower consumption of fats to 30 grams a day.
The American scientists made experiments on mice and came to a conclusion that water-melon juice prevents development of atherosclerosis of vessels. One group of mice drank usual water, and the second – water-melon juice. As a result vessels of the second group were free from cholesteric plaques.
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