Main > Diseases> Dysgraphia


Упражнения для профилактики дисграфииThe disturbance of process of the letter which is shown at the person in the resistant repeating mistakes caused by not created highest mental activity at normal development of intelligence is called a dysgraphia. Depending on what component of mental functions is insufficiently created, disturbance often is followed by disorders of oral speech.

Usually the dysgraphia and a dyslexia which is selective disturbance of ability to mastering skill of reading are shown at children at the same time. In rare instances these disturbances meet separately.

At detection at the child of a dysgraphia, the exercises aimed at the development of small motility in combination with daily writing of dictations and copying of texts can accelerate disturbance correction process considerably.

Types of a dysgraphia

Not formation of some certain mental function or operation of process of the letter is the cornerstone of classification of disturbance. Proceeding from it, allocate the following types of disturbance:

  • Dysgraphia because of disturbance of the tongue analysis and synthesis;
  • Articulation and acoustic and optical dysgraphia;
  • Agrammatichesky and acoustic dysgraphia;

The mechanism of formation of an articulation and acoustic dysgraphia is the wrong pronunciation the child of sounds of the speech which it as a result reflects also in the letter, he writes words as says them. It becomes possible when at the child or phonetic representations are not created, or there is a disturbance of acoustical differentiation.

Thus, the kid with an articulation and acoustic dysgraphia fixes the defective pronunciation on the letter, passes or replaces letters. Many logopedists note that even after correction of defects of oral speech, some wards continued to write down words incorrectly. It is caused by not formation of kinaesthetic images of sounds, during internal pronunciation of words the child has no support on a right articulation of sounds.

Articulation and acoustic dysgraphia children with polymorphic disturbance of a sound pronunciation generally have, in particular at a rhinolalia, a touch and sensomotor dyslalia, and also a dysarthtia.

The acoustic dysgraphia is disturbance of fonemny recognition. The child with such frustration replaces on the letter of a letter, the designating phonetic close sounds, mixes the whistling and hissing, deaf and ringing letters.

Developing of an acoustic dysgraphia is connected with inaccuracy of differentiation of sounds aurally at the child, at preservation of a normal pronunciation of words.

At the dysgraphia based on disturbance of the tongue analysis and synthesis, the child writes words, in particular pretexts, together, passes vowels and at a combination concordants, adds unnecessary letters, and also writes separately prefixes and roots of some other words in the offer. Also distortion of sound alphabetic structure of the word, because of an underdevelopment of the phonemic analysis is observed.

The Agrammatichesky dysgraphia arises against the background of not formation of a lexical and grammatical system of the speech, is shown on the letter in morphological and morphosyntactic agrammatisms at the level of offers, the text, phrases and words.

Not formation of visual and space functions leads to development of an optical dysgraphia. The child in a wrong way reproduces letters on the letter – writes them in specular reflection, does not finish or on the contrary attributes excess elements, replaces and displaces letters, similar on a graphic sign. At an optical dysgraphia at lefthanders with organic injury of a brain the letter can be observed from left to right.

This type of frustration is subdivided on literal when it is difficult to child to reproduce the isolated letters, and a verbal form at which reproduction of the isolated letters remains.

Dysgraphia reasons

The disease can be caused by genetic factors and unequal development of parencephalons. Many cases when the dysgraphia and a dyslexia developed at children in whose families talk in two languages are registered.

Weak processing of visual information can be the possible cause of development of disturbance, often the dysgraphia arises at lefthanders who were retrained and they began to write with the right hand, and also at the kids who went to school before 6 years.

Prevention of a dysgraphia

To prevent disturbance development, it is necessary to stimulate development of cognitive and cogitative activity of the child. It is necessary to look for ways to attract and keep attention of the kid, to provide it with enough visual and acoustical impressions. For prevention of a dysgraphia it is possible to use various developing toys for absolutely small children or a game for preschool children.

Still in dorechevy the period of development of the child parents need to establish emotional connection with it afterwards to have an opportunity to influence the kid and to direct his actions to the necessary bed, to develop his memory and to stimulate development of its mental functions.

Important element of prevention of a dysgraphia is full development of oral speech of the baby, afterwards it will become that base on which also the written language will be under construction.

Причины дисграфии и способы коррекцииFrom early age of the child it is necessary to develop, pay comprehensively special attention to its psychomotor system and intellectual activity. For correction and the prevention of a dysgraphia, the exercises aimed at the development of small motility of the child can make the significant contribution in development of those mental functions of a brain which are responsible for the speech and writing.

The exercises allowing to prevent a dysgraphia need to be practiced daily, since the youngest age of the child – it can be finger-type games and massages, formation of letters from grain or sticks, drawing, collecting puzzles or cubes on which words are represented.

So, a dysgraphia call the disturbance of the letter at children caused by not formation of the highest mental activity at normal development of intelligence. And to prevent developing of this disease, it is important to provide to the child all-round development from early age.

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