Dysentery is an acute or persistent infection which proceeds with the phenomena of the general intoxication and affects preferential large intestine of the person. The disease can have both acute, and chronic character. The causative agent of dysentery at adults and children – different types of colibacilli which get into an organism during the use of the infected food stuffs or at contacts with the sick person. Spread of dysentery is promoted by insanitary conditions and non-compliance with elementary rules of personal hygiene. Because of it dysentery received the well-aimed name – "a disease of dirty hands".
The infection is caused by different types of dysenteric sticks. As a rule, the greatest activity is shown by Zonne and Fleksner types who lodge pleated a large intestine. The causative agent of dysentery gets to external environment with excrements of the sick person. Bacteria have property to collect in various foodstuff and water. Spread of a disease is promoted by low sanitary culture of the population, non-compliance with rules of personal hygiene, the late appeal to medical institutions. Quite often dysentery at children, especially in the first two years of life comes to light that is connected with inquisitiveness of kids and a habit "to drag in a mouth" any objects which came hand.
Getting into a stomach of the person, a part of bacteria perishes. Other causative agents of dysentery get into intestines where products of their life activity cause necrotic and inflammatory processes. At the diagnosis dysentery symptoms are connected with organism poisoning with poisonous toxins which are soaked up by walls of thick and direct guts, get to blood and cause the general intoxication. Most hard small children and people of advanced age whose immune system is insufficient have such poisoning it is strong for effective counteraction to toxic agents.
The incubation interval of dysentery makes 2-3 days, but in certain cases the first symptoms of a disease can be shown in several hours after the use of the infected products. It is possible to carry to the main symptoms of dysentery:
Dysentery begins sharply. Originally patients feel an easy fever and a loss of appetite, but then dull aches in a stomach and symptoms of toxicosis which can vary from an easy form (insignificant spasms) to the most serious conditions which are followed by confusion of consciousness and neurologic frustration join these manifestations. Also the frequency of acts of defecation – from 2-3 times a day to almost ongoing diarrhea is various. As it was already told above, at a frequent chair dysentery at adults often is followed by organism dehydration.
At children dysentery develops a little differently. At newborns the disease is often characterized by an asymptomatic current, but lasts much longer, than at adults. If dehydration is followed by the wrong diet and inadequate treatment of dysentery, then further the child can suffer from dystrophy. At children is more senior than one year usually enterokolitichesky dysentery develops. Symptoms of dysentery are typical for food intoxications, are shown quite sharply and observed within 7-8 days. For confirmation of presence of disease-producing bacteria in intestines bacteriological researches of excrements of the child are used.
In the course of treatment of dysentery the huge role is played by observance of a rigid diet. The products rich with a cellulose which irritates intestines are excluded from a standard diet of patients. Food the infected people are given in the boiled thoroughly and wiped look. Soups, nonmilk porridges, a souffle and quenelles are recommended, and the number of meals increases at simultaneous reduction of a one-time portion of dishes. As dysentery at adults and children introduces serious amendments in activity of digestive tract, it is necessary to adhere to a diet within several weeks after recovery.
Antimicrobic drugs are used at medium-weight and severe forms of dysentery. Consider that only the qualified doctor taking into account all indications and contraindications has to appoint these or those drugs. At dysentery at children usually register ampicillin, at a heavy current – aminoglycosides and rifampicin. Besides, from the first hours of a disease it is necessary to begin an oral regidratation which is designed to recover water-salt balance. If dysentery is characterized by a long current, it is reasonable to use the means increasing immunity.
At treatment of dysentery also recovery of normal intestinal microflora is of great importance. Usually for treatment of dysentery at adults and children use bacterial drugs – бификол and bifidumbacterium. For normalization of intestinal activity astringents, spasmolysants and grass broths in age dosages are used.
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