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from 60 rub.

ДушицаMarjoram – the grass perennial plant belonging to family of the Mint family.

Description of a grass of a marjoram

The plant often has the form of a forb and a creeping branchy rhizome. Reddish stalks in height from 30 to 90 cm, soft and pilar, upright, tetrahedral, at the basis often branched.

Leaves at a plant have ovoid oblong shape, in length from 2 to 4 cm, petiolar, opposite, smooth-edged, dark green color with the translucent yellow points – efirnomaslennichny glands. From below they lighter shade, myagkoopushenny short hairs.

The marjoram the small, collected in a difficult semi-umbrella flowers of lilac-pink color sitting in bosoms of bracts blossoms. Flowers on a top of a stalk form a sprawling corymbose whisk.

Fruits of a plant represent four nutlets, everyone a rounded ovoid form 0,5 mm long.

The plant has pleasant aroma.

Meets in the territory of Belarus, Ukraine and Russia (except Far North). Grows at bushes in steppe meadows and on dry glades.

Chemical composition of a grass of a marjoram

Flowers and dry grass of a marjoram contain essential oil as a part of which there are phenols (carvacrol and methyl-isopropyl phenol), aromatic alcohol. The plant also contains free alcohols, tannins, bitritsiklichesky seksviterpena, bitter substances, flavonoids and ascorbic acid.

Seeds of a plant contain irny oil.

Pharmacological properties of a marjoram

It is possible to refer the calming, soothing, sudorific, laktogonny, expectorant, diuretic and soothing action to useful properties of a marjoram. Drugs on the basis of this plant improve secretion of bronchial and digestive glands, raise a tone of intestines and strengthen its peristaltics.

Use of properties of a marjoram in medicine

In scientific medicine sedative useful property of a marjoram is widely applied. It is used at neurosises, at nervous breakdowns as a calmative, at sleeplessness. Also properties of a marjoram apply at an intestines atony, a meteorism, a coloenteritis, antiacid and hypogastritises.

Apply a plant as an expectorant at bronchiectasias and bronchitis and as means for appetite improvement.

Drugs on the basis of a grass of a marjoram are appointed at hemorrhoids, jaundice, a pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, migraine, cholecystitis, at dyskinesia of biliary tract, and also as a helminthicide.

At female diseases, especially in a puerperal period kroveostanavlivayushchy property of a marjoram is applied. It is used for improvement of a lactation, at painful periods and for simplification of a state in the period of a climax.

Infusion of a plant is accepted at chronic pharyngitis, whooping cough, quinsy, an adenoid disease. Infusion is often used for inhalations.Трава душицы

Plentiful sweating causes strong tea from a grass.

Outwardly the plant is used at rickets and an allergy at children (take baths). At suppurations, a furunculosis, some skin diseases and an inflammation of lymph nodes foment from a plant.

Contraindications to use of a marjoram

Drugs on the basis of a marjoram are contraindicated at pregnancy, so have abortal action

Also the marjoram is contraindicated at an idiopathic hypertensia, at a serious illness of cardiovascular system, at chronic gastritis (a hyperacid form).

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Marjoram grass ф / pack ice 1.5g No. 20, Krasnogorskleksredstva (Mosk.obl)

60 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Marjoram grass pack of 50 g, Health Firm of closed joint stock company, Nakhabino

71 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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