Application instruction:
The poke is a homeopathic medicine. Its international name – Phytolacca or the Pokeweed American.
Are a part of this drug: D30 poke, D12 Poke, D6 Poke, D30 Graphite, D12 Graphite and D6 Graphite, and also a sugar krupka to 100,0 g.
The medical effect of Fitolyakki is caused by properties of the ingredients which are a part of drug.
According to the instruction the Poke is accepted in the following cases:
According to the instruction it is necessary to accept the Poke for a month four times a day on eight granules. Granules keep under language before their full dissolution. Drug should be taken or for half an hour to food, or in an hour after food. It is desirable to carry out repeated courses of treatment at an interval of a month.
In the instruction to the Poke it is noted that for use of this homeopathic medicine of contraindications do not exist. However it is not recommended to use this drug at deficit of weight and dystrophy. In a type of absolute safety of Fitolyakki it can be used in pediatric practice, and also for treatment of pregnant women and the feeding women.
So far, any side effects of the drug Poke are not registered.
The poke can be used in complex therapy since it is combined with any medicines and does not lead to change of their action.
There are no data on drug Poke overdose so far.
The poke is issued in the form of the homeopathic granules packed into bottles from dark glass with a capacity of 15,0 ml. It is made by the Russian company "VALA-R".
According to the instruction the Poke has to be stored in the dry, dark and cool place unavailable to children. Is OTC medicine and it is released from drugstores without recipe of the doctor. A period of validity to the Poke – five years. After its termination drug should not be used.
Scientists from the Oxford university conducted a number of researches during which they came to a conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to a human brain as leads to decrease in its weight. Therefore scientists recommend not to exclude completely from the diet fish and meat.
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