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from 595 rub.

Foradil – broncholitic medicine.

Drug is the selectionУпаковка Форадил β2-адреномиметиком new generation. Judging by reviews of Foradila, it is the most optimum and universal medicine combining the best properties known it is long acting and short-range β2-агонистов.

Foradil's analogs

Drugs Oksis Turbukhaler, Formoterol – Foradil's analogs.

Structure and form of release

Drug is produced in the form of transparent colourless capsules with powder for inhalations, in the form of an aerosol for inhalations. One capsule of Foradil contains 12 mkg of a formoterol of a fumarat (in packaging of 30 capsules).

Pharmacological action of Foradil

According to the instruction Foradil is applied to stopping and prevention of the bronchospasm caused by an exercise stress, allergens, metasincaline or a histamine. Antiinflammatory action of means is connected with blocking of release of leukotrienes and a histamine from sensitized cells of bronchoalveolar fabrics. Action of a medicine comes very quickly (within one-three minutes), and the bronchodilatory effect remains after inhalation within twelve hours. Reviews of Foradila demonstrate that this drug considerably reduces the frequency of exacerbations of various chronic obstructive diseases of lungs. The antiinflammatory effect and duration of action do Foradil by medicine of the first line for control of disease and prevention of night attacks. At Foradil's use in the recommended medical doses negative impact of drug on various bodies and systems of an organism minimum.

Indications to use

According to the instruction Foradil's use or Foradil's analogs is shown for treatment and prevention of a bronchospasm at patients with bronchial asthma; prevention of the bronchospasm caused by cold air, the inhaled allergens or an exercise stress; treatment and prevention of disturbances of bronchial passability; prevention and treatment of irreversible and reversible bronchial obstruction, emphysema of lungs, chronic bronchitis.

Contraindications to use

• hypersensitivity to drug components;

• children's age up to five years.

With care Foradil it is necessary to use in treatment at a diabetes mellitus, the expressed HSN, IBS, disturbances of a cordial rhythm, AV blockade of the III Art., lengthening of an interval of Q-T, GOKMP, a thyrotoxicosis, during pregnancy and in the period of a lactation.

The instruction to use

According to the instruction Аэрозоль для ингаляций ФорадилForadil intends for inhalation use for children is more senior than five years and adults. It is necessary to inhalate drug by means of Aerolayzer (the special device).

At a bronchospasm it is necessary to make a single breath of drug (12 mkg), if necessary in one minute it is possible to make a repeated breath (the subsequent two breaths it is recommended to make not less than in half an hour). The maximum daily recommended Foradil's dose according to the instruction - 96 mkg (eight breaths). Children are more senior than five years have to inhalate no more than 12 mkg of drug twice a day.

At bronchial asthma, a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease the medicine dose for the regular supporting treatment makes 12-24 mkg twice a day. If necessary it is necessary to apply an additional dose of medicine (12-24 mkg). The medicine dose for children is more senior than five years makes 12 mkg (two times a day).

For prevention of the bronchospasm caused by cold air, the inhaled allergens or an exercise stress recommend to take one-two breaths Foradila on 12 mkg (in 15 minutes prior to provocation). To children is more senior than five years it is necessary to take one breath of a medicine (12 mkg).

Side effect

In some cases, judging by reviews of Foradila, drug can cause sleeplessness, perspiration, irritation of a nasopharynx, a headache, vomiting, nervousness, arrhythmia, decrease in the ABP, muscular weakness, a tafilaksiya, accustoming, allergic reactions.

Medicinal interaction of Foradil

Foradil with extra care the patients receiving such medicines as Disopyramidum, quinidine, fenotiazina, procaineamide, MA inhibitors, antihistaminic drugs, tricyclic antidepressants, and also other drugs extending QT interval (risk of development of ventricular arrhythmias) should apply.

Combined use of Foradil and other sympathomimetic medicines can lead to aggravation of side effect of Foradil.

Simultaneous use, GKS or the diuretics derivative of xanthine can promote strengthening of potential gipokaliyemichesky action of beta2-adrenomimetik.

Drug has ability to strengthen antiinflammatory action of glucocorticoids.

It is not recommended to use this means in complex treatment with beta adrenoblockers (including with eye drops) as they weaken Foradil's action.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Foradil капс for инг 12mkg/dose No. 30+ an inhaler *, Novartis Consumer Health/Novartis

595 rub.

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