Main > Diseases> Hemophilia


Симптомы гемофилии

Tendency of a human body to long hemorrhages and bleeding carries the name hemophilia and this disease concerns to group of hemorrhagic diathesis (from "hemorrhage" - bleeding and "diathesis" - predisposition).

Bleedings at hemophilia arise absolutely spontaneously, without any visible reason and them it is difficult to stop by means of usual means. The first historical data on a disease hemophilia are available in the Talmud in which cases of death of boys as a result of ritual trimming in the second century B.C. are described.

Hemophilia reasons

To the main reasons provoking a course of a disease hemophilia, scientists carry hereditary factors. Genetically defective coagulability of blood passes by inheritance from father to son, and the carrier of a defective gene is exclusively female body, and the man is sick with hemophilia, as a rule. To be fair, It should be noted that there are scientifically described cases of hemophilia of women, but these cases are extremely rare and occur when both parents of the sick girl are carriers of the damaged gene.

Transmitting a disease to the children, the woman - "conductor" herself remains healthy, her sons are doomed to a disease by hemophilia, and daughters also become bearers of the hidden gene till that time, will not give it to the children yet. Therefore it is possible to interrupt a pathological chain only with the only way, to take rather cruel advice of geneticists and to carefully plan the birth of future posterity. According to recommendations of modern geneticists, female bearers should not have children in general, and in families of men and healthy women sick with hemophilia only sons, to women pregnant with girls have to be born, it is offered to undergo the procedure of abortion.

Now scientists did not find yet a way by means of which it is possible to remove the hemophilia cause, today it, unfortunately, so far is impossible since it is put in a genetic code of the person. The patient with hemophilia needs to do nothing, besides, how to learn to live with this disease and to get used that his organism needs every day special precautionary measures and especially careful attitude.

Diagnosis of hemophilia

Диагностика и причины гемофилии

The attentive parent can notice the first symptoms of hemophilia at children at the earliest age. Pronounced symptoms of hemophilia become when the kid begins to get up on legs and to independently master the space surrounding him. During this period the inevitable time of the first bruises and grazes without which neither the first steps, nor skills of the address with unfamiliar objects do also begins.

Characteristic of the disease hemophilia allowing timely and unambiguously to diagnose it, inadequacy of reaction of an organism of the child on traumatized is. Even the minor injury or tiny scratch cause plentiful and long bleedings with hemorrhage in intermuscular space and formation of the huge sizes of hematomas. Bruises and hematomas at a disease of hemophilia long do not resolve, getting gradually shades from bluish-blue to flavovirent color.

Hemophilia symptoms

At a disease of bleeding hemophilia, their character and duration significantly differ from bleedings at the healthy person. Insignificant damages of fabrics, even during usual injections, can a long time (up to several weeks) to bleed, forming hypodermic hematomas.

The frequent phenomenon at hemophilia – severe nasal bleedings which are difficult for stopping in the usual ways in such cases. Also hamaturia symptoms – emergence of blood in urine can be shown. At newborn children at a Cristmas disease process of childbirth extensive hematomas in the head (kefalokematoma) are formed, afterwards there are late bleedings of an umbilical cord, then at eruption of the first teeth. The symptoms described above all hemophilias shall draw attention of parents to morbid condition of the child and force them to address in time specialists.

Treatment of hemophilia

Лечение гемофилии фиточаем

As it was already told above, the treatment of hemophilia forever saving the patient from a disease does not exist today. But there is a possibility of constant control over its current by means of constant injections of the missing enzymes of coagulability of blood produced from donor material.

The disease hemophilia is extremely dangerous, especially at children's and youthful age when yet the correct diagnosis often is not made and without measures of medical support there is a real risk of a lethal outcome. Timeliness of the address to the doctor at a disease of a Cristmas disease children's age is a criterion of a favorable current and stabilization of a condition of an organism of the child.

Only the experienced specialist – the hematologist has to perform the qualified treatment of hemophilia and constant observation of the course of a disease. Each patient with hemophilia needs to know and remember that the following drugs are categorically contraindicated to him to reception: aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), analginum, indometacin, Brufenum and Butazolidinums.

Whether you know that:

Scientists from the Oxford university conducted a number of researches during which they came to a conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to a human brain as leads to decrease in its weight. Therefore scientists recommend not to exclude completely from the diet fish and meat.