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ГесперидинHesperidin – the venotoniziruyushchy drug used at treatment of chronic venous insufficiency and chronic hemorrhoids.

Pharmacological effect of Hesperidin

Hesperidin – the vegetable flavonoid which is found in a peel of a citrus promotes strengthening of walls of blood vessels and their permeability, improvement of a condition of capillary vessels, strengthening of a blood flow in coronary vessels, to lowering of blood pressure and the prevention of bleedings. Also hesperidin, weakening unstriated muscles of blood vessels and bilious channels, helps at treatment of mycoses, arteriosclerosis, ulcers, allergies and tumors. Besides, it reduces allergic reactions, symptoms of asthma and has antioxidant, anticarcinogen and antiinflammatory properties.

In a combination with diosmin hesperidin has angioprotektivny and venotoniziruyushchy effect, reduces distensibility of veins and permeability of capillaries and raises their tone. The combined effect of these active components promotes decrease in venous stagnation and improvement of microcirculation and a lymph drainage.

Release form

Hesperidin is produced in the form of substance-powder. For treatment of venous insufficiency produce the combined drugs Venarus and the Detralex containing 50 mg of hesperidin and 450 mg of diosmin.

Indications to Hesperidin use

Hesperidin is shown to use for treatment:

  • Chronic venous insufficiency of the lower extremities which are followed by night spasms, heavy feeling in legs, trophic disturbances and pains;
  • Chronic hemorrhoids, and also bad hemorrhoidal attacks.


It is contraindicated to apply hesperidin according to the instruction in the period of a lactation, and also at hypersensitivity to a bioflavonid.

Routes of administration

According to the instruction hesperidin in the combined drugs with diosmin at treatment of chronic venous insufficiency of the lower extremities is applied on 1 tablet by 1-2 times a day during meal in the second half of day and in the evening.

At acute hemorrhoids the first four days are usually appointed on 6 tablets a day, then within three days on 4 tablets a day. If the carried-out therapy is inefficient, drug it is necessary to cancel and conduct an additional proctologic research. Use of the drugs containing hesperidin at an exacerbation of hemorrhoids does not replace specific treatment of other proctal disturbances.Венарус - комбинированный препарат, содержащий 50 мг гесперидина

At treatment of other diseases as a part of a combination therapy the mode of dosing of Hesperidin depends on indications and is selected individually the doctor.

Side effects

Hesperidin according to the instruction can cause the digestion disturbances which are shown as an eructation, heartburn and pressure sense in a stomach, and also symptoms of neurovegetative disturbances.

Storage conditions

The drugs containing hesperidin are released according to the recipe.

The recommended period of storage – 24 months.

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