The gynecologist – the specialist who is engaged in diagnosis, treatment and prevention of female diseases. The gynecologist studies diseases of female generative organs in various age categories and the periods of life of the woman. For example, the children's or teenage gynecologist, and at mature age – the ordinary gynecologist is engaged in problems of the nursery and age category.
Competence of the gynecologist includes diagnosis and delivery of health care at treatment of any gynecologic diseases, such as: the erosion of a neck of uterus, colpitises, inflammatory processes of a uterus and appendages, cystitis, condylomas, etc. Besides, on survey the gynecologist can prevent developing of this or that disease.
On survey the gynecologist can estimate a condition of an organism of the woman, diagnose and direct to treatment if there is a similar need. The gynecologist has to deal with issues of planning of a family and choose contraception methods, suitable for the woman. Generally, the gynecology not only is engaged in treatment of diseases which struck reproductive system of the woman, but also watches state of her health in general.
As at each patient the same disease can proceed differently, proceeding from a mental and physical condition, existence of diseases of other systems and bodies, to each patient the gynecologist has to have separate approach.
On consultation the gynecologist can direct the patient to delivery of the following analyses:
In addition in competence of the gynecologist there are next researches:
It is necessary to know that emergence of too early periods (up to 10 years) or too late (after 16 years) are an occasion to descend on survey to the gynecologist.
The regular menstrual cycle at the woman is established not at once, and approximately for a year after the beginning of periods. But even at an irregular sexual cycle the girl can become pregnant therefore will important be protected.
Normal duration of a menstrual cycle makes from 21 to 35 days. The cycle begins from the first day of periods and lasts till the first day of the following periods. Duration of periods has to make 3-7 days. If monthly last long too, very plentiful, or duration of a menstrual cycle does not keep within the above described norms, it is necessary to address for consultation the gynecologist as it can demonstrate disturbances in the sexual sphere.
There are very curious medical syndromes, for example, persuasive swallowing objects. In a stomach of one patient suffering from this mania 2500 foreign objects were revealed.
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Section: Articles about health