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Hyper ventilating syndrome

Симптомы гипервентиляционного синдрома

The hyper ventilating syndrome represents vegetative frustration which main sign is the complicated breath of the patient. This symptom of a hyper ventilating syndrome is not connected with problems of lungs, bronchial tubes or hearts in any way. A feeling of shortage of air is caused by disturbances in the vegetative sphere of a nervous system. It controls the processes of life activity of the person not subject to his consciousness.

However except automatic control over the breath of people is also able to control independently the frequency of breaths or at will some time not to breathe. The combined control system of breath process is also a basis for development of a hyper ventilating syndrome. In a condition of alarm or a stress, under the influence of fear or overfatigue of people can unconsciously change a rhythm or depth of breath, and then to feel shortage of air in lungs. As a result of it it develops the panic attack which was even more aggravating a current of a hyper ventilating syndrome.

Suspiciousness of the person, his exposure to others influence can also serve as the reason of a hyper ventilating syndrome. People quite often feel an acute shortage of air, watching patients with asthma or short wind. This event can be fixed in memory of the person and to become the reason of development of a hyper ventilating syndrome many years later.

Hyper ventilating syndrome – quite widespread phenomenon. Short-term attacks of disorder of breath are observed at 10-15% of inhabitants of the planet. It is also considered one of the most widespread manifestations of an imbalance in the autonomic nervous system of the person.

Symptoms of a hyper ventilating syndrome

Failures in the program of breath cause changes in composition of blood. It leads to a number of typical symptoms of a hyper ventilating syndrome. The patient feels "goosebumps" on all body, spasms, constraint in muscles, pain in heart, dizzinesses, etc.

The person with an attack of a hyper ventilating syndrome feels panic and tries to control the breath. Against the background of the strengthened deep breaths it observes feeling of squeezing in a thorax, and also a coma in a throat. Arrhythmia or tachycardia quite often joins pain in heart (uneven or a cardiopalmus). Therefore patients quite often take symptoms of a hyper ventilating syndrome for heart pathologies.

Patients with a hyper ventilating syndrome are often anxious with a problem of fresh air. They are alarmed in places of accumulation of a large number of people, often air the room, do not love the closed spaces. These people are concentrated on the respiratory behavior - neurologic symptoms of a hyper ventilating syndrome are so shown.

Group of various gastrointestinal frustration – one more symptom of a hyper ventilating syndrome. At patients with this disease complaints to strengthening of a vermicular movement of intestines, an aerophagia (swallowing air are usual during food), an eructation, abdominal distention. So wide range of symptoms of a hyper ventilating syndrome significantly complicates diagnosis of a disease

Diagnosis of a hyper ventilating syndrome

The initial stage of diagnosis of a hyper ventilating syndrome is based on an exception of a number of the diseases which are followed by similar symptoms. The hyper ventilating syndrome is similar on clinical symptomatology to pathologies of lungs, endocrine system, heart, intestines.

The minimum plan of inspection of the patient at suspicion on a hyper ventilating syndrome includes consultations of the therapist, the neuropathologist, the cardiologist and the endocrinologist. Carry to tool diagnostic methods of a hyper ventilating syndrome an ECG of heart, X-ray of lungs, ultrasonography of a thyroid gland.

As a diagnostic express method the Naymigenovsky questionnaire for assessment of expressiveness of symptoms of a hyper ventilating syndrome is used.

Treatment of a hyper ventilating syndrome

Дыхательная гимнастика при гипервентиляционном синдромеTreatment of a hyper ventilating syndrome complex. First, efforts of doctors are directed to change of the relation of the patient to the disease. The hyper ventilating syndrome is not a serious illness, it does not lead to a lethal outcome or an invalidism. Understanding of this fact – one of premises of successful treatment of a hyper ventilating syndrome.

For recovery of a normal respiratory rhythm the patient is recommended to carry out daily respiratory gymnastics. At strong attacks of a hyper ventilating syndrome the breath technique in a paper package is used. This method allows to increase quickly the level of carbon dioxide in blood and therefore it is widely used in critical situations during panic of the patient.

For decrease in level of uneasiness of the patient also drug treatment of a hyper ventilating syndrome, namely use of antidepressants and anxiolytics is supposed. It is carried out under control of the neuropathologist. Duration of drug treatment of a hyper ventilating syndrome averages 4-6 months.

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