Main > Food stuffs> Halvah


Халва с орехамиEast delicacies are appreciated worldwide as they differ not only bright tastes, but also naturalness of the used ingredients. The halvah which is fallen in love to gourmets more than one thousand years ago did not become an exception. The dessert traditionally prepared from nuts, usual for us, sunflower and sesame seeds, cornmeal and even from vegetables (in India — from carrots and a kalabas). The halvah promoting active development of energy and stimulating cerebration became the faithful companion in campaigns and military campaigns. In total thanks to unpretentiousness of a product to storage conditions. Soon after so convenient product as a refined dessert lodged in houses of all east inhabitants, having become a symbol of prosperity and for some nationalities of fertility. The advantage of halvah was always noticeable, but only intuitively, at the level of observation. In those days people could only guess harm of halvah.

Traditional structure of halvah

Choosing the most useful delicacy, it should be taken into account that the structure of halvah directly depends on a type of the key used product. Nevertheless, at any halvah there are sugar, vegetable fats, natural antiseptic agents and a number of vitamins (F1, B1, PP). If the content of sugar - the fact "two-edged" that is helping brain activity, but also destroying teeth, existence in structure of halvah of a big share of fats caused a controversy among nutritionists. However as scientists it is recognized that exclusively vegetable nature of this substance well influences work of digestive tract, nervous and cardiovascular systems, and harm of halvah in this case is insignificant.

Halvah takhinny which part spicy sesame is in addition to the status of the most valuable delicacy of the Middle East was fallen in love to admirers of traditional medicine. Halvah caloric content makes about 560 kcal on 100 g of a ready-made product of sesame seeds. But, despite a saturation and some weight for digestion, its popularity is considerable at the expense of high content micro and macrocells, in particular, it contains zinc, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, so necessary for an organism. The periodic use of takhinny halvah saves from need of reception of complex vitamins.

Nut types of halvah, such as peanut and almond, differ in the acceptable level of energy value. Treacle in combination with sunflower seeds adequately replaces mix of nuts and dried fruits in honey. Halvah which structure is enriched with amino acids and vitamin D - almond - magnificent help at diseases of a musculoskeletal system and need of its strengthening and for this reason is recommended in food to children. It is important that halvah caloric content from almonds the lowest, it does not exceed 530 kcal on 100 g. And here with an excess weight harm of halvah is obvious to people, but if such problem is not necessary, then the advantage of halvah prevails over undesirable effects. The linolic acid, vitamin of groups B, D which is a part of halvah nut strengthens bones, calms nerves and improves memory.Халва подсолнечная

Sunflower halvah - the most widespread look in the European territory. Its useful qualities were repeatedly confirmed with scientific research. Halvah caloric content from sunflower is high due to the maintenance of a large amount of oils, however they provide the high content of vitamin E. Sunflower halvah protects skin from aging, recovers structure of hair, strengthens a nail plate and accelerates processes of regeneration in fabrics.

About advantage and harm of halvah

The advantage of halvah is concluded in its nutritiousness and rich content of vitamins and mineral substances. Strengthening neural relations of a brain, exerting positive impact on cardiovascular and nervous systems, such dessert becomes not just sweet delicacy, but if not full-fledged medicine, then, in any case, excellent prophylactic. Besides, vitamins promote bystry comprehensibility of carbohydrates, disposal of cholesterol and strengthening of vessels. At the regular use of this food work of lungs improves, osteoporosis is prevented, and the intestines peristaltics is normalized.

Harm of halvah is obvious to those who are subject to an allergy to any components of a delicacy. Also it is necessary to abstain from sweet a sick diabetes mellitus and to people with liver diseases. Besides, harm of halvah will be noticed especially by the people abusing it. You should not overload an organism, 20-50 g a day have to be optimum amount of the eaten sweet, at the same time having excluded use in food of other sweet products.

Whether you know that:

The weight of a human brain makes about 2% of all body weight, however it consumes about 20% of the oxygen coming to blood. This fact does a human brain extremely susceptible to the damages caused by shortage of oxygen.