Main > Drugs> Himkolin


Himkolin treats group Упаковка Химколинof regulators of a potentiality which normalize sexual function at men. Drug improves blood circulation, stimulates nerve terminations and increases duration of sexual intercourse.

Structure and form of release

Main active ingredients: waxwork oil (20%), Squalus carchorius liver (10%), oil of the Chinese summer cypress (10%), oil of pistachio nuts (5%), oil of the Indian cotton (5%), oil of a fragrant muskatnik (3%), oil of a clove tree (3%), oil of a fragrant cinnamon (3%).

Auxiliary components: beeswax, paraffin, stearin alcohol, methyl ether, parahydroxybenzoic acid, fragrance (rose and muscat).

Himkolin is issued in the form of the external use cream placed in tubas on 10-30 g.

Pharmacological action of Himkolin

Himkolin possesses a vasodilating, antiinflammatory and promoting effect. Drug improves erectile function at men, thanks to strengthening of a krovenapolneniye of cavernous bodies of a generative organ.

Himkolin has good responses as effective medicine on the basis of vegetable components which possess bystry complex medical action. Himkolin removes sexual stress, has sedative effect and increases satisfaction level from sexual intercourse.

Himkolin improves sensitivity of fabrics, makes the stimulating impact on a hypothalamus and raises a libido. Non-hormonal drug improves functioning of a reproductive system and eliminates disturbances of an erection.

Himkolin and Tenteks's concomitant use strengthens medical effect as Tenteks in addition regulates sexual function and activity of generative organs.

Himkolin is effective both in monotherapy, and in the complex therapy directed to treatment of sexual dysfunction.

Indications to appointment

Himkolin is appointed for treatment of sexual disturbances at men and functional frustration of generative organs, including disturbances of an erection, decrease in a libido, impotence, reduction of duration of sexual intercourse.

Himkolin has positive reviews as the effective drug directed to treatment of the erectile frustration at men of advanced age and also which are sexually active excessively.

Himkolin's analogs

Cream Heracles, Erosil, the Persian shah, Tauriks are Himkolin's analogs. These drugs possess similar pharmacological actions, and also stimulate sexual function at men and are applied to treatment of impotence.

Application instruction of Himkolin

According to the instruction HimkolinГель Химколин it is necessary to apply on a generative organ and a pubic zone with a small layer 2-3 times a day. Cream should be rubbed the easy movements within several minutes before full absorption. The course of treatment lasts 30-40 days.

After putting cream it is necessary to wash up carefully hands and to avoid hit of drug on mucous membranes. Himkolin it is impossible to apply on a scrotum and a head of a men's generative organ if cream got on them, then it is necessary to wash out immediately area water and if necessary to grease with vaseline.

For an hour before sexual intercourse a small amount of cream is applied on a generative organ. The excess amount of cream can be removed with wet towel wipes.

The general dose of Himkolin on all course of treatment should not exceed 20-28 g, and for carrying out a series of applications no more than 10 g are used. The exact dosage of drug is determined by the attending physician by testimonies of the patient.


Contraindications to Himkolin's appointment are hypersensitivity and intolerance of components of drug, a furunculosis, a serious illness and allergic reactions on skin, diseases of generative organs at a heavy stage of a current, open wounds and deep damages of integuments.

With care cream Himkolin is appointed to patients of advanced age.

Side effects of Himkolin

Himkolin can cause allergic reactions – irritations and erubescences, urticaria, an itch and burning, dermatitis, eczema, skin rash.

At emergence of serious skin reactions drug should be cancelled to avoid a skin necrosis.

Whether you know that:

If your liver ceased to work, death would come within a day.