Main > Diseases> Clamidiosis


General information about a disease

Симптомы хламидиоза у женщины

Chlamydial infections are the whole group of diseases which occur not only at people, but also at animals. The similar symptomatology and mechanisms of development combines them. Besides, any clamidiosis is caused by the same activator – Chlamydia bacteria. They are eurysynusic in the nature, and new types of these microorganisms regularly come to light. In addition to the person, clamidiosis affects birds, animals, arthropods, mollusks, fishes and even a plant. However, we, first of all, are interested in clamidiosis at women and men. We will also talk about it in this article.

Most often causative agents of clamidiosis strike urinogenital system. In the USA clamidiosis is found in 5-10% of the population aged from 15 up to 30 years, that is, in the people leading active sex life. For our country of detailed statistics is not available, but it is possible to assume that the incidence is not lower at all, than in the States.

Ways of infection with clamidiosis

As a rule, bacteria of clamidiosis get into a body of the healthy person at sexual contact with the sick partner. It is possible to catch both at traditional, and at proctal sex. Infection cases at oral sex are noted extremely seldom. Let's notice also that the diagnosis clamidiosis is quite often made to newborns. Treatment of kids is required after passing in patrimonial ways of mother where they and are waited by chlamydias.

The household way of infection with clamidiosis is improbable as bacteria quickly perish out of a human body. Besides, activation of an infection requires a certain number of activators which is not enough when using the general household things and sanitary products. Nevertheless, it is necessary to observe nevertheless elementary care in public toilets, pools, baths and other places where accumulation of chlamydias is possible.

Clamidiosis symptoms

The incubation interval of manifestation of symptoms of clamidiosis at women and men fluctuates ranging from 7 up to 30 days. Usually the first symptoms of clamidiosis appear in few weeks after infection. Consider only that in 5% of cases clamidiosis proceeds asymptomatically therefore after accidental sexual intercourse without use of condoms it is desirable to undergo medical examination at once, and it is even better – to refuse in general sex with unchecked partners.

At diagnosis clamidiosis, symptoms at women demonstrate defeat of urinogenital system. Patients complain on:

  • transparent or white-yellow allocations from a vagina;
  • morbidity at an urination;
  • erubescence and quite severe itch in a crotch;
  • pains in the bottom of a stomach and in a waist.

Clamidiosis at men is shown by similar symptoms. Let's notice also that at infection both representatives of a strong half of mankind, and lovely ladies feel burning during sexual intercourse.

Effects and complications of clamidiosis

Except generative organs and urethral system, clamidiosis affects other bodies and systems: airways, eyes, nervous system, liver, lymph nodes, biliary tract, joints and cardiovascular system. As for, effects, it is enough to tell that at the diagnosis clamidiosis treatment often is complicated by development of inflammatory processes in a uterus and appendages, a syndrome of Reuters, damages of eyes and joints. Earlier was considered that contagiums cause prostatitis, but now communication of this phenomenon and clamidiosis at men is called into question.

Diagnosis of clamidiosis

Диагностика хламидиоза у мужчин и женщин

To reveal clamidiosis at women and men modern high-precision methods of a research, in particular, of PRTs which efficiency reaches 90-95% are used. Relatively recently researches of the general smear were applied to confirmation of existence of chlamydias, but the technique now given is already irrelevant as it allows to suspect only clamidiosis, so, is fraught with medical errors. IFA, mutual fund and identification of antibodies to chlamydias also do not enjoy special popularity in view of the low accuracy of results and impossibility to separate from each other the postponed and current infection.

Treatment of clamidiosis

At an uncomplicated clinical current the course of treatment of clamidiosis includes reception of azithromycin or doxycycline. Azithromycin has many other (commercial) names: azitrox, azivka, сумизид, зитролид, хемомицин and сумамед. It must be kept in mind that clamidiosis symptoms can be present at the diagnosis only at one of partners. This fact does not mean at all that the second partner is healthy, the infection can proceed absolutely asymptomatically. For this reason during treatment and 2-3 weeks after the termination of a course the sick person needs to abstain from sexual contacts. Besides, it is extremely desirable to combine reception of antibiotics with nonspecific means and physiotherapeutic procedures for strengthening of immunity and prevention of a recurrence. The person is considered healthy if the researches conducted both during treatment and in 1-2 months after its termination, confirm lack of chlamydias.

At timely, adequate treatment of clamidiosis at women and men the forecast favorable, but in some cases the modern medicine experiences certain difficulties. It is known, for example, that the wrong use of antibacterial drugs can lead to development of clamidiosis into a chronic stage of which it will be much more difficult to get rid. The chronic form provokes serious complications and causes a sharp aggravation of the available inflammatory processes therefore it is necessary to see only experienced doctors and at once to give up a thought to cure clamidiosis independently.

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