The turkey is the largest poultry. The male of this bird is familiar to us as a turkey-cock. Treats a genus of turkeys, family fazanovy and to group of kuroobrazny. America was the homeland of a turkey. The ancient people Aztecs ate only meat of a turkey, it was their only poultry. Approximately in the 16th century this bird was delivered to Spain, and in several years of a turkey gained distribution in other countries (France, England and all Europe).
The live mass of an adult male of a turkey-cock makes from 9 to 35 kg, a turkey – from 4,5 to 11 kg. It is accepted to eat meat of a young bird whose mass is slightly less (about 10 kg). At this bird strong long legs and a big, wide tail. Plumage of a turkey happens different flowers: black, white, bronze - it depends on its version and breed.
Meat of a turkey is very much highly appreciated both in cookery and in dietology and therefore takes the second place on cultivation of a bird and the use of meat after broiler chickens. The advanced state on production and the use of meat of a turkey is the USA.
In Russia part, generally such breeds of turkeys:
1. The North Caucasian bronze;
2. The North Caucasian white;
3. White Moscow;
4. Black Tikhoretsk;
5. White broad-breasted;
6. Pale-yellow.
No more than 4 months grow up a turkey, this time is enough in order that the bird grew to 10 kg. Meat of a turkey at such age has the best taste.
Meat of a turkey gentle and low-fat, it has the pinkish and cream color which is smoothly passing into a light-red shade. The breast or fillet of a turkey are often called light meat as in comparison with other parts of a carcass, it is the lightest. After preparation the breast becomes a little dry. But this part of fillet of a turkey - the most useful. It is very often appointed by doctors as a part of dietary and clinical nutrition as it contains least of all fat. From all edible part of turkey fillet (breast) makes about 30%.
On existence of useful properties the turkey is a leader, in it it surpasses even veal. So, meat of a turkey contains the following useful substances:
Meat of a turkey differs not only excellent taste, but also 100% are a dietary product, and also the champion on the content of iron. So, in comparison with beef, meat of a turkey contains twice more this microelement. Besides, from this product iron is acquired by an organism with special ease. Unlike other types of meat and other livestock products, the turkey has caloric content very low, with an exclusive value of its proteinaceous mineral composition. Phosphorus contains in a turkey almost as much how many in sea fish. The magnesium which is a part of a turkey helps to prevent diseases of a nervous system, and selenium tones up and has the rejuvenating effect. Besides, regular intake of selenium in an organism can prevent development of an oncological disease.
Only one portion of meat of a turkey a day can provide to the person the daily need for the RR vital vitamin.
The most important useful property of a turkey is its hypoallergenicity therefore it is recommended for baby food. Besides, its salutary impact on cardiovascular system and ability to strengthen immunity is considered advantage of meat of a turkey.
Main indicators of nutritiousness of meat of a turkey:
Besides, the content of cholesterol in a turkey very low: only 74 mg in 100 grams of a product. Caloric content of a turkey is almost identical with beef, however meat of a turkey is quicker acquired.
As for health, meat of a turkey – just ideal option by drawing up a medical diet and at weight loss. Nutritiousness of meat provides an energy charge for those who are busy with hard physical work, for professional athletes and those who just actively go in for physical culture.
This type of meat, especially fillet of a turkey, pregnant women and nursing mothers should use. Along with meat of a rabbit, fillet of a turkey perfectly is suitable for food of small children. So, fillet of a turkey can be used as the first meat feeding up to the kid.
Meat of a turkey is widely used in cookery. As meat very gentle and low-fat, its preparation does not demand long culinary processing.
Meat of a turkey are used for preparation of a large number of dishes. At the same time it is subjected to different types of culinary processing:
1. Cooking;
2. Suppression;
3. Frying;
4. Baking;
5. Steaming;
6. Grill.
Using meat of a turkey cook various salads, sauces. Breasts of a turkey use for a farshirovaniye mushrooms, vegetables and fruit. The well-known Christmas dish which came to us from the USA is the baked stuffed turkey.
Most correctly, from the point of view of healthy food, boiling of meat of a turkey and its preparation on couple. In this case meat does not lose the valuable properties, and it will be easier for organism to cope with the food which came to it in such look. Especially at observance of a medical diet, addition of meat of a turkey with vegetables will be true. It is tasty and it is very useful. Besides such combination answers all laws of healthy nutrition at which the ideal body weight and good health remains.
Along with meat, eggs of a turkey also have great nutritional value and reduced amount of cholesterol. They are recommended to diabetics and those who keep to a diet. At observance of a diet for weight loss, instead of eggs advise to use eggs of a turkey.
The turkey practically has no contraindications. But it must be kept in mind that as meat of a turkey contains a large amount of protein, people should not abuse it with certain disturbances of health:
Besides, hypertensive persons should pay special attention to extent of the use of salt with meat of a turkey. As the turkey contains a lot of sodium, addition of a large amount of salt in the course of preparation of meat can threaten with a health aggravation of symptoms.
If your liver ceased to work, death would come within a day.
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