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Product doctor, or 8 reasons to fall in love with porridge
Comments to article (14):
  /  On March 17, 2016, 12:19
Porridge causes heartburn!! to people with a hyperoxemia it is contraindicated! long could not get rid of heartburn and its very unpleasant effects! drank many drugs!! ничег about did not help! did not cease to eat this "useful gruel" yet accidentally itself found
To answer
, "Porridge causes heartburn!! to people with a hyperoxemia it is contraindicated" - no at all. Porridge does not cause heartburn, and is not contraindicated to people with a hyperoxemia, opposite. You have an atypical reaction, and it is desirable to understand, than it can be caused. For example, business can be in the so-called full pains arising after food at gastritis with the LOWERED acidity.
To answer
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Statistically, on Mondays the risk of getting injured of a back increases by 25%, and risk of heart attack – for 33%. Be careful.