The infectiologist is engaged in diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases. As a rule, reception of the infectiologist takes place in infectious diseases hospital or in an office of infectious diseases.
The infectiologist is engaged in studying of emergence and mechanisms of development of infectious diseases, their clinical manifestations and develops ways of their treatment and prevention.
At children the children's infectiologist is engaged in diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. Flu, acute respiratory diseases, children's infections (chicken pox, a rubella, measles, epidemic parotitis), and also such serious infections as hepatitis, meningitis and diphtheria belong to the class of children's infectious diseases.
Often symptoms of an infection are pains in the bottom of a stomach, in inguinal area, a waist, the crotches causing the increased body temperature.
Increase in regional lymph nodes also is a symptom of a venereal disease. If the person often changes sexual partners and does not use at the same time barrier methods of contraception, then he has to undergo regularly consultation at the infectiologist regarding infections, sexually transmitted.
Existence of a headache at the child is quite frequent symptom of an infectious disease. Most often it is shown as a result of intoxication of an organism and arises against the background of fervescence, an ache in muscles, a fever and eye pain. Besides, existence of a headache can testify to such infection, terrible for the child, – meningococcal which is very dangerous and is capable to lead to a lethal outcome literally in several hours. Therefore it is extremely important to address the children's infectiologist in time.
One more common symptom of an infectious disease at the child is vomiting. As a rule, it meets at the diseases combined in the concept "acute abdomen" and demanding surgical intervention (peritonitis, an acute appendicitis, impassability of intestines, cholecystitis).
At infectious diseases vomiting can speak to the infectiologist about existence of intestinal infections, such as a salmonellosis, cholera, food toxicoinfection, dysentery, etc.
Rash is a frequent symptom of infectious diseases and demands urgent consultation from the infectiologist. As a rule, rash is followed by temperature increase and dangerous infectious diseases on which early diagnosis and treatment life of the little patient depends can be a symptom enough.
Diarrhea is also an infection symptom. Especially infectiologists should pay attention to it if its frequency exceeds 10 times a day, at the child appetite vanishes, at Calais there are blood impurity.
In the presence of blood in a chair at the child it is necessary to go urgently for reception to the infectiologist as it can be a symptom of such infectious diseases as an amebiasis, a balanthidiasis, dysentery.
The infectiologist can carry out the following diagnoses: electrocardiography, ultrasonography, irrigoskopiya, X-ray, rektoromanoskopiya, scanning of a liver, fibrokolonoskopiya.
To prevent infectious diseases, it is regularly necessary to hold anti-epidemic events, of which are main:
Restriction of contacts, as a rule, comes down to isolation of sick persons. Each person has to remember that at emergence of the first symptoms of an infection he has to descend immediately on reception to the infectiologist, otherwise it does harm not only to own health, but also health of the people surrounding it.
The immunization which is carried out timely is very reliable method of prevention. It is carried out by introduction of the corresponding vaccine which is made from the weakened or killed microorganisms causing an easy form of a certain disease.
Chemoprophylaxis is carried out for the purpose of the prevention of some infectious diseases by use of himiopreparat or antibiotics. Prevention of reinfection can be an example at quinsy when after a rate of penicillin the patient enter Bicillinum-5 that prevents development of various complications.
It is not necessary to neglect also increase in body resistance to various infections. So, for example, strict observance of rules of personal hygiene, vitaminization, good nutrition, exercise stresses significantly increase resistance of an organism to some infections.
Prevention of children's infectious diseases is based on one principle: after the child had this or that infectious disease, it develops durable immunity to it further. On the basis of it children's infectiologists developed vaccines which allow to create durable immunity to certain diseases.
Vaccines against a rubella, measles, epidemic parotitis, hepatitis and many other diseases are already developed.
The most rare disease – a disease the Kura. Only representatives of the tribe Faure in New Guinea are ill it. The patient dies of laughter. It is considered that eating of a human brain is an origin of a disease.
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