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Blood analysis

Методы исследования кровиThe main method of diagnosing of diseases of the bodies which are responsible for hemopoiesis process is the blood analysis. Blood transfers oxygen, nutrients, hormones, poisons and toxins come to it, it contains immune bodies and important enzymes. Therefore results of a blood analysis are of great importance and in studying of a condition of an organism in general, and analyses carry surely out along with the urine research, measurement of temperature.

Depending on the purpose pursued by doctors diagnosticians there are various methods of a blood analysis:

  • morphological. Consists in calculation of thrombocytes, erythrocytes and leukocytes and their high-quality studying. As material for a morphological research serves usually peripheral blood taken from a finger, an ear lobe. In some cases analyze punctate of a lymph node or marrow.
  • Physical and chemical and chemical research. It will be out with use of the biochemical equipment. So establish the level of urea, nitrogen, glucose, bilirubin in blood.
  • Bacteriological method of a blood analysis. Use for detection of infections and bacteria in blood. Carry out the bacteriological analysis prior to antibiotic treatment, otherwise it is possible to receive false result. To patients at whom against the background of an inflammation temperature rises blood for the analysis is taken or during rise in temperature or right after it declines.
  • Serological blood analysis. It is considered basic, and carry out it for diagnosing of viral, germ and infectious diseases. The serological blood analysis is conducted also at hemotransfusions, for blood typing, establishment of efficiency of the carried-out vaccination, an infection source. The serological blood analysis for establishment of the diagnosis at autoimmune diseases is irreplaceable. As material use blood from a vein, take it on an empty stomach.

Blood serum research

Separately select the analysis of blood serum – the plasma processed by a method of natural coagulation or by means of calcium ions therefore from blood colourless proteins (fibrinogens) are removed. Value represents a research of blood serum for the reason that due to the lack of fibrinogen stability of blood increases, but at the same time the most part of antibodies in it remains.

Биохимическое исследование кровиProcess plasma and conduct a blood serum research in need of detection of infections, for assessment of efficiency of the carried-out vaccination, definition of biochemical composition of blood.

Blood analysis on HIV

The analysis on HIV is carried out for the purpose of detection of this virus and antibodies to it.

The blood analysis on HIV is recommended to conduct at hospitalization, a preparation for surgery, pregnancy planning, after the accidental unprotected sexual contact, at sharp weight reduction, after carrying out injections unsterile needles.

The result of a blood analysis on an immunodeficiency virus can indicate by the PTsR method infection of HIV in two or three weeks after infection. This method of a blood analysis is considered in this case the most reliable. It is also possible to carry out an enzyme immunoassay, but it shows the antibodies which are already formed in response to a virus and objective result of a blood analysis it is possible to receive only through one and a half or even three months after infection.

A blood test for the analysis is taken on an empty stomach: there have to pass not less than eight hours after the last meal. Material for the analysis is taken sterile syringes from a vein from the inside of an elbow bend, of 5 ml.

The result can be received in 2-10 days after blood donation, his doctor is obliged to tell the patient anonymously and if necessary to give the direction on treatment.

Whether you know that:

In the aspiration to pull out the patient, doctors often go too far. So, for example, a certain Charles Janszen during the period from 1954 to 1994 endured more than 900 operations on removal of new growths.