Main > Diseases> Excess of iodine

Excess of iodine

Iodine is a Поражение кожи при избытке йода называется йододермаmicroelement, vital for each person. First of all, it is necessary for normal functioning of a thyroid gland. Therefore at decrease or, on the contrary, excess of iodine in an organism its work changes, to be exact synthesis of thyroid hormones by it is broken.

The standard daily rate of consumption of iodine should not exceed 150 mkg. This norm is slightly more for pregnant women and the feeding women: to 175-200 mkg \days. For children the norm is calculated proceeding from age.

It was in vitro confirmed that intake of iodine to 500-1000 mkg \does not lead days to change of functioning of a thyroid gland for a long time. Consumption more than 1000 mkg \often causes days development of the iodinduced diseases. It is rather extensive group of diseases of a thyroid gland which are followed by development hypo - or a hyperthyroidism.

The use of in one step large amount of iodine is extremely unsafe for the person.

Poisoning with iodine is called an iodism. More often the people occupied on production with iodine use suffer from excess of iodine in an organism.

The iodism can develop from iodine steam inhalation, at prolonged use iodine-drugs, at hypersensitivity to iodine or its individual intolerance.

Symptoms of excess of iodine in an organism.

Poisoning with iodine can be acute or chronic.

Acute develops at receipt of a high dose of iodine in a short space of time. Chronic poisoning can develop for years, giving the erased clinical picture.

As a result of acute poisoning the acute heart failure and a fluid lungs, directly life-threatening the patient can develop. However these states are extremely rare. More often the main symptoms of excess of iodine are irritations of mucous membranes or an integument.

Symptoms of excess of iodine:

  • Irritation of mucous respiratory tracts which is shown by cough, irritation, existence mucous separated from a nose.
  • Irritation of a conjunctiva: dacryagogue, reddening of eyes. In some cases inflammatory process can be dragged out. Chronic blepharites, conjunctivitis form, the cataract, injuries of an optic nerve is more rare, sight decreases over time.
  • Hypersalivation, as a result of irritation and hypostasis of sialadens.
  • Damage of skin at excess of iodine is called a yododerma. Meets on face skin, necks, extremities more often. It is shown in the form of the acne rash which is followed by an itch or burning. Acne elements are inclined to merge. After that soft painful formations of blue-crimson color to 3 cm in the diameter are formed. Лечение избытка йода производится 5% раствором тиосульфата натрияTakzheporazheny skin can be in the form of a small tortoiseshell, as an erysipelatous inflammation. One of the most severe forms of damage of skin at excess of iodine in an organism is the nodal form of a yododerma. At contact of skin with iodine in the form of crystals there can be burns or dermatitis. Burns are rather deep. In some cases difficult beginning to live ulcer defects are formed.

More rare symptoms of excess of iodine:

- smack of metal in a mouth;

- a specific smell from a mouth and coloring mucous a mouth;

- dizziness, headache;

- block of consciousness;

- burning and pharyngalgia, hoarseness of a voice, thirst;

- gastrointestinal tract disease: diarrhea and, as a result, weight loss, spasms, general weakness;

- toxic hepatitis with the following symptomatology: pains in right hypochondrium, yellowness of skin and mucous;

- damage of airways in any department: tracheitises, pharyngitises, sinusitis, bronchitis, etc.;

- damage of kidneys;

- weakening of protective forces of an organism and, as a result, frequent SARS, pneumonia, etc.

Diagnosis of excess of iodine.

Diagnosis is simple and is based on carefully collected anamnesis. Poisoning with iodine often occurs at the persons working at the enterprise connected with production, extraction of iodine owing to what such poisonings can have collective character.

At suspicion its level in blood and urine is defined on excess of iodine.

Treatment of excess of iodine in an organism.

At acute poisoning cleaning of integuments, a gastric lavage of 5% with sodium thiosulphate solution is made.

At chronic poisoning with iodine the mechanism of intake of iodine in an organism is eliminated (the use with food, work on harmful production).

The therapy directed to correction of work of a thyroid gland, and also other bodies and systems is in parallel carried out.

At disturbance of water and electrolytic exchange infusional therapy is carried out.

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