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Emotional lability

Причины возникновения эмоциональной лабильности у детейFrom the point of view of physiology of higher nervous activity emotion means motivation to action. The word is formed from the Latin verb "emovere" – I excite. In relation to emotion object of excitement is the cerebral cortex generating mental reaction. According to the doctrine of the academician Anokhin, any motivation is generated by emotion. And before start of functional system any emotion is considered negative up to achievement of a positive take. If the purpose is unattainable, emotion will remain negative. When the nervous system of the person is weakened, there is an emotional lability which is characterized by instant reaction to any irritants. Absolutely no matter with what sign – "plus" or "minus".

Emotionally labile personality equally sharply reacts to positive and negative stress factors. Changes of a situation cause instant, rough reaction. The person cries with happiness or, on the contrary, the offense generates a gelasmus. In it emotional lability, unlike stability is also shown. The opposite state is called in psychology rigidity, and in psychiatry – emotional flatness. Lack of emotions is much more hazardous to health than the person. Loss of motivation leads to exhaustion quicker, than explosion of emotions.

Emotional lability, symptoms

Frustration of the emotional and unstable personality are characterized by impulsiveness, spontaneity of acts in the absence of self-checking and without possible effects. At the same time affective flashes arise in insignificant occasions. In psychiatry emotional lability which symptoms are shown depending on a warehouse of the personality belongs to borderline cases. Distinguish two types of emotional weakness:

  • Impulsive;
  • Boundary.

At frustration of the emotional sphere on impulsive type the resistant condition of a dysphoria, that is, the spiteful and sad mood alternating fits of anger develops. People who have an emotional lability are unaccomodating in collective because they always apply for leadership without own abilities. In family life excitable persons show discontent with daily cares, including their routine and not deserving attention. Therefore often there are conflicts which are followed by a beating of ware and use of physical abuse over family members. The person is uncompromising, vindictive, vindictive. In the absence of progressing emotional lability smoothes out with age, and by 30-40 years irritable men calm down, "accumulate life experience". At women, as a rule, rough emotional flashes consign to the past after the birth of children. It is connected with change of a hormonal background during incubation of the child.

Under unfavorable conditions patients conduct chaotic life, often resort to alcohol intake that leads to commission of aggressive asocial acts.

The boundary type of frustration of the personality differs in the raised impressionability, brightness of imagination increased by enthusiasm. Such emotional lability generates workaholics. People with boundary frustration of the emotional sphere easily come under others influence. They it is easy and with pleasure adopt the "addictions" which are not encouraged by society of standard of behavior. Boundary persons rush from one extreme to the other therefore they often break off the marriage relations, quit the job and change the residence.

Emotional lability at children

In society the point of view is accepted that whimsical children – result of ill-breeding. It is right, but only partly. The interrelation between a lack of attention and development of a syndrome of a neurasthenia in the child is observed. The fixed emotional lability at children leads to nervous exhaustion which, in turn, strengthens mental reaction. The kid requires special attention therefore makes "rows". It is characteristic of hysterical development of the personality. With such psychotype it is that is called difficult to people to please. Strict education generates a protest, increasing emotional lability, a connivance to any whims results in similar results.

If from the point of view of people around the child is not deprived of attention, the reason of the aggravated perception of change of a surrounding situation it is necessary to regard as development of neurosis. Neurotic frustration, in turn, is subject to treatment.

Emotional lability, treatment of neurosises

Эмоциональная лабильность - этиология и проявленияThe psychoinjuring situations are the reasons of neurotic states. At elimination of the reason emotional lability disappears – treatment at the psychiatrist guarantees positive takes at the timely address. It is necessary to pay attention to the child from small age. Negativism manifestations – denials of requirements of adults – has to guard parents.

When at senile age emotional lability forms, drugs for treatment are directed to improvement blood circulation of a brain. If nervous irritability is caused by organic lesions of a nervous system, there is also an emotional lability which treatment consists in fight against a basic disease. It is work of neurosurgeons and neuropathologists.

The nootropic drugs which are on sale without recipes are shown at all types of emotional instability. Vegetable calmatives have quite good effect.

There is a big difference between the standard representations and medical diagnoses. Especially when emotional lability which drugs for treatment need to be accepted only according to the recommendation of the specialist of the psychiatrist develops. The help of the psychologist, certainly, has positive influence, but does not liquidate the reasons of mental disorders.

Whether you know that:

The first vibrator was invented in the 19th century. It worked at the steam engine and intended for treatment of female hysteria.