Endometrioid cyst – a high-quality new growth of ovaries. At endometriosis of ovaries the small centers of defeat grow, merge among themselves, forming cysts. Endometrioid cysts are covered with the dense capsule and more often filled with menstrual blood. They can be both unilateral, and bilateral. The size can vary them from one to ten centimeters in the diameter. This pathology is diagnosed most often for women aged from 12 up to 50 years.
The exact origin of this disease is up to the end not found out. There is an opinion that the cyst can be created as a result of retrograde periods. Endometria cells during this period are transported with blood. They can get accustomed in an abdominal cavity, in tissues of ovaries, in uterine tubes. Cells of an endometria can get during medical abortion, a diagnostic scraping, gynecologic operations, and also at diathermocoagulation of a neck of uterus.
Some physicians consider that the endometrioid oothecoma is formed at permanent substitution of the remains of embryonal fabric or as a result of any genetic defects, weakening of immune responses. Communication between endocrine failures and development of this disease is proved.
Emotional stresses, prolonged use of intrauterine spirals, liver diseases, endometritises, obesity, oophorites, and also adverse ecological situation can provoke development of this pathology.
Degree of manifestation of symptoms of a disease depends on degree of neglect of a cyst, on existence of the accompanying pathologies, and also on psychological state of the patient.
The course of a disease can be followed by lengthening of a monthly cycle, emergence of the smearing allocations before and after a menstrual cycle, emergence of symptoms of intoxication of an organism (nausea, weakness), fervescence.
Increase in a cyst in sizes can lead to emergence of hems and follicular cysts. They interfere with normal functioning of an ovary and lead to a degeneration of ova. Without treatment the endometrioid cyst can be the cause of development of commissural process in bodies of the small pelvis leading to disturbance of functions of intestines and bladder.
This pathology cannot be revealed independently. Quite often the oothecoma is found by the doctor during gynecologic survey. For specification of the diagnosis the laparoscopy, ultrasonography of a small pelvis with a magnetic and resonant tomography and a dopplerometriya is usually appointed.
For treatment of an endometrioid cyst conservative ways (the anesthetizing, nonspecific antiinflammatory, hormonal therapy, reception of enzymes, vitamins and immunomodulators), surgical (organ-preserving removal of a metirioidny cyst by a laparoscopic or laparotomny method) and combined can be used.
Treatment of a cyst has to be directed to elimination of symptoms of a disease, and also the prevention of its progressing.
Tactics of treatment of this pathology needs to be chosen taking into account age of the patient, a stage of a course of a disease, existence or lack of problems with conception, and also extragenital and genital disturbances.
An endometrioid cyst operation is performed at inefficiency of conservative methods of therapy, at cysts of the big size, and also at risk of development of complications. Enukleazation of heterotropic educations and an ovary resection – the most widespread operational methods of treatment of a disease. The most conservative surgery at an endometrioid cyst the laparoscopy is considered. Recovery after a laparoscopy occurs in very short terms.
Removal of an endometrioid cyst is surely carried out in combination with hormonal therapy. The doctor can appoint the combined contraceptives low-dosed monophase, derivatives of norsteroid, the acetate prolonged медроксипрогестерон, synthetic agonists a gonadotrophin-rileasing of hormones and derivatives of androgens.
After operation on removal of an endometrioid cyst to patients appoint physical therapy for correction of endocrine balance, prevention of infiltration and commissural processes and a possible recurrence of cysts.
At development of a cyst an opportunity to become pregnant as because of inflammatory reaction a part of follicles collapses considerably decreases. Against the background of a disease there are hormonal disturbances both in an ovary, and in gipotalamo-pituitary system. Commissural process in a small basin can promote development of infertility.
At approach of pregnancy at this disease on early terms spasmolytic, hormonal and sedative drugs are usually appointed. At the small size of an endometrioid cyst at pregnancy operation is not required. At the big sizes of a cyst the risk of a rupture of a cyst or twisting of her leg, spontaneous abortion increases.
According to opinion of many scientists, vitamin complexes are almost useless for the person.
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