Main > Drugs> Calendulas tincture

Calendulas tincture

Календулы настойкаCalendulas tincture – phytodrug with antiinflammatory, antimicrobic, spasmolytic, cholagogue action.

Form of release and structure

Dosage form – tincture of flowers of a calendula (on 25, 40, 50 or 100 ml in glass bottles of dark color, in a cardboard pack 1 bottle).

Active component – calendula flowers, on 1000 ml of tincture – 100 g.

Extragent: ethanol of 70%.

Indications to use

Use of the Calendula of tincture is shown:

  • Outwardly – bruises, cuts, eczema, as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent;
  • Locally – stomatitis, an ulitis, a periodontal disease, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis and other inflammatory pathologies of a mucous membrane of a mouth and throat (in the form of rinsings);
  • Inside – cholecystitis, a cholangitis.


Use of drug is contraindicated to patients with hypersensitivity to drug components.

It is impossible to accept tincture inside: at an aggravation of a peptic ulcer of a stomach and duodenum, acute gastritis; sick calculous cholecystitis; during pregnancy and breastfeeding; aged up to 18 years.

With care appoint at diseases of a brain, liver, a craniocereberal injury, alcoholism.

Route of administration and dosage

Outwardly drug is used for processing (by means of a tampon) cuts and other superficial damages of integuments. For treatment of eczema and bruises use lotions with the aqueous solution of tincture prepared in a proportion on 1 teaspoon of drug of 200 ml of water.

Locally apply aqueous solution of tincture to rinsing of a mucous membrane of a mouth and a throat, one procedure requires 50-200 ml. The treatment period – 1-2 weeks.

Inside tincture should be accepted the water divorced from 50 ml in 15 minutes prior to meal.

The recommended dosing makes till 10-20 drops 3 times a day, within 3-4 weeks.

Side effects

Use of Tinctura Calendulae can cause side effects:

  • Allergic reactions, including a skin itch;
  • At intake – bitterness in a mouth, nausea, heartburn, an abdominal pain.

Special instructions

At oral administration of drug the content of absolute alcohol in the maximum single dose – 0,23 g, in daily – 0,7 g.

At tincture reception inside it is necessary to be careful at control of motor transport, work with moving mechanisms and performance of other potentially dangerous types of activity demanding bystry reaction and special attention.

Medicinal interaction

Clinically significant medicinal interaction of drug it is not established.

Terms and storage conditions

To store in the unavailable to children, protected from light place at a temperature of 15-25 °C. To protect from children.

Period of validity – 4 years.

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