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Caloric content of nuts

From the point of view of cookery, the fruits of some bushes and trees possessing a firm cover and an edible kernel are considered as nuts. In Russia most widely in food walnuts, a filbert, pine nuts, a peanut and almonds are used. Caloric content of nuts and their nutrition value is very high. From the listed types the filbert has the maximum caloric content. As a part of all nuts there are a lot of vegetable oils, fat-soluble vitamins, cellulose, proteins, microelements (selenium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper). High caloric content of nuts forms at the expense of fats. Each gram of fat has energy value 2,5 times bigger, than gram of protein or carbohydrates. And usually it is not less than 60% of fat in a nut kernel. However nutritionists discuss a question of use of nuts for weight loss.Калорийность кедровых орехов и фундука

Nuts and weight reduction

Energy value of nuts makes more than 600 kilocalories on 100 grams. Of course, such excess caloric content of nuts always limited their consumption by the people inclined to excess body weight. Those who counts calories for weight reduction know well that daily consumption of energy often should not exceed 2000 kilocalories. And those who tries to get rid of extra kilos should be content also 1200 kilocalories. In that case, only several walnuts or a handful of a filbert will make a half of the day menu.

Nuts for weight loss are advised by some foreign nutritionists. Their recommendations are based that these fruits very well satisfy hunger. Really, after inclusion in food of 20 grams of nuts appetite strongly decreases, and it is quite possible to refuse other high-calorific dishes. Besides, in nuts there is a lot of magnesium, and it helps to reduce sugar consumption.

Nuts for weight loss need to be eaten in an integral look. The products created on the basis of a nut crumb are acquired too quickly and do not give feeling of satiety. To benefit at most and not to put on weight, eat no more than 30 grams of this product a day.

The safest techniques suggest to replace with nuts one meal. The volume of a portion in this case is strictly limited and should not exceed 50 grams. It is the best of all to refuse a dinner, having replaced it with a filbert, walnuts or almonds. Despite the high caloric content of nuts, they can be used in large volumes, according to a number of authors. But only if you adhere to a low-carbohydrate diet. An example of such power supply system is Atkins's diet. In this case it is not necessary to limit amount of nuts. In their composition of carbohydrates is practically not present.

Caloric content of nuts of different types

Different types of nuts have different energy value. The more as a part of vegetable oil, the nut is more caloric. Walnuts consist for 61% from fats. Thanks to it they are rich with a complex of Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids. In walnuts high concentration of antioxidants. Besides this nut is a phytalbumin source.

Caloric content of walnuts very high. 100 grams contain 700 kilocalories. Walnuts for weight loss can be used on a regular basis. Eat a portion of nuts instead of a dinner or a dessert.

Caloric content of a filbert makes 707 kilocalories. In this nut there is a lot of iron and components strengthening a vascular wall. Caloric content of pine nuts is slightly less – 620 kilocalories. They contain practically all irreplaceable amino acids, and are very useful to a brain and endocrine system. Almonds contain a lot of potassium and calcium. Its consumption helps an organism to keep health of hair, nails, bone tissue and cardiovascular system. In almonds about 694 kilocalories. Caloric content of nuts of other types too very high. A champion on energy value is exotic black fox. Caloric content of nut makes 860 kilocalories. The peanut is not nut in strict sense of the word. It concerns family of bean. Caloric content of nut of this look – 550 kilocalories.

Caloric content of nuts in one portion

One portion of nuts for weight loss contains 30 grams of a product.Можно ли употреблять орехи для похудения In one portion of walnut of 14 halves of a kernel. Walnut caloric content in such quantity makes 185 kilocalories. Walnuts for weight loss are advised by many nutritionists. The portion of a filbert is 20 nutlets. Filbert caloric content in one portion makes 178 kilocalories. 28 kernels of a peanut make a portion in 30 grams and possess 166 kilocalories. Cashew nut caloric content in one portion – 155. 25 pieces of cashew contain so much energy. In one portion of almonds 23 nutlets and 163 kilocalories. Pistachios have caloric content 158 in one portion. It is made by 50 nuts. Caloric content of pine nut in one portion of-188 kilocalories. Contain 167 kernels of pine nut so much.

The last researches prove advantage of nuts for health and an opportunity to eat them without effects for a figure. Caloric content of nuts is valid is very high. But it has to force us to limit portions of this product, but not to refuse it completely. At reasonable approach it is possible to try even to use nuts for decrease in body weight.

Whether you know that:

The weight of a human brain makes about 2% of all body weight, however it consumes about 20% of the oxygen coming to blood. This fact does a human brain extremely susceptible to the damages caused by shortage of oxygen.