Application instruction:
Nashatyrno-anisovye drops – the combined expectorant possessing antiinflammatory action. It is widely applied at bronchitis.
Nashatyrno-anisovye drops – the combined drug having expectorant and antiinflammatory effect.
Anisic oil intensively stimulates secretion of bronchial glands, and also promotes digestion and has antiseptic action. Ammonia promotes fluidifying of a phlegm.
Nashatyrno-anisovykh active ingredients of drops at wet cough stimulate clarification of bronchial tubes, liquefy a viscous phlegm, promoting its expectoration, prevent emergence of complications and a palindromia and accelerate healing of mucous respiratory tracts.
According to Nashatyrno-anisovye of a drop are effective for reduction of pain at dry cough and considerably accelerate recovery at severe forms of catarrhal diseases.
Nashatyrno-anisovye drops produce in the form of transparent yellowish liquid with a strong ammoniac and anisic smell in bottles 25 ml.
100 ml of drops contain 2,81 g of anisic oil and 15 ml of solution of ammonia.
Excipient – alcohol of 90%.
Nashatyrno-anisovye drops apply to treatment of both adults, and children.
According to the instruction nashatyrno-anisic drops apply in complex treatment of various diseases of a respiratory organs at:
Also according to Nashatyrno-anisovye of a drop are effective for treatment of whooping cough at children.
As the additional effect at use of Nashatyrno-anisovykh a drop, thanks to medicinal properties of an anise, improves digestion, the meteorism disappears and it is normalized secretory and motive functions of a stomach.
Drug is contraindicated at individual intolerance of the components which are a part a drop. Also drug is not used at pregnancy and in the period of a lactation.
Nashatyrno-anisovye drops according to the instruction apply 3-4 times a day inside.
Usually appoint a single dose till 10-15 of drops to reception. It is possible to accept drops having dropped them on a sugar cube.
At purpose of Nashatyrno-anisovykh with a drop to children, they are dissolved in tea or a tablespoon of water. The quantity of the drops appointed to children approximately corresponds to their age:
According to Nashatyrno-anisovye of a drop are transferred well. The short excitement which is replaced by oppression of the central nervous system can sometimes be observed.
Also at use of Nashatyrno-anisovykh allergic reactions, nausea, vomiting or a bronchospasm can arise a drop.
Often Nashatyrno-anisovye of a drop apply as a part of complex therapy with other expectorants – drugs of a mallow and a thermopsis, and if necessary, with anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics.
Nashatyrno-anisovye drops are released without medical recipe. A period of storage – 2 years.
The American scientists made experiments on mice and came to a conclusion that water-melon juice prevents development of atherosclerosis of vessels. One group of mice drank usual water, and the second – water-melon juice. As a result vessels of the second group were free from cholesteric plaques.
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