Cyst – the pathological hollow education in bodies which is characterized by existence of the cover and liquid filling all cavity.
Brain cyst – the hollow education in structures of a brain filled with cerebrospinal liquid, which is characterized by various localization. Depending on type of the fabrics forming brain cysts, and localizations of educations allocate the following types of cysts:
Colloid, dermoid (epidermoid) and pineal types of cysts of a brain belong to cerebral (intracerebral) educations.
At detection of a cyst of a brain symptoms can have as the general, and specific character. At a brain cyst symptoms are defined by the major factor which caused formation of a cavity. A number of symptoms, however, will depend on dynamics of growth and development of cystous education and its influence on structures of a brain.
Treat the main symptoms of a cyst of a brain:
It should be noted that most often development of a cyst of a brain has no bright symptomatology, the cyst is found at regular inspection of the patient.
At detection of a cyst of a brain of the reason of its development – a main objective of diagnosis for definition of tactics of treatment. At diagnosis of a cyst of a brain, the following factors can be the reasons of its education:
The brain cyst at newborns is the hollow education filled with liquid, replacing the died site of a brain. Such educations can be single and multiple, have various localization.
Distinguish three main types of cysts of a brain at newborns:
When diagnosing a cyst of a brain treatment is chosen, proceeding from the education prime cause. Not dynamic cysts of a brain of treatment do not demand. At detection of a dynamic cyst of a brain treatment can be:
At untimely diagnosis and treatment of any type of a cyst of a brain of an effect can be various character:
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Section: Articles about health