Cyst of a pancreas is called the pathological education representing the capsule in which there is a liquid – pancreas secret mix with products of fabric disintegration. Pathology belongs to very widespread and meets at any age.
The cyst of a pancreas can be inborn (true) and acquired (false). They so are called because the capsule of a true cyst is covered with an epithelium from within, as well as at all other cysts, and false – granulyatsionny and fibrous fabric.
Inborn cysts are formed as a result of disturbance of pre-natal development of a pancreas and though it sounds rather terribly, they constitute danger seldom. As a rule, it the formations of the small size found accidentally during inspection in other occasion. Nevertheless, absolutely harmless they are not – in case of unfavorable conditions true cysts can inflame. A serious problem are also the inborn cysts formed owing to obstruction of a channel that can lead to chronic inflammatory process with the subsequent degeneration of fabric of gland and substitution by its fibrous fabric.
Acquired, or adventitious cysts of a pancreas are formed most often as a complication after the postponed acute pancreatitis (90% of all similar cysts), or as a result of the postponed injury of body (about 10%). Such cysts can reach the considerable sizes, leading to disturbance of work of gland and the next bodies.
Also cysts are distinguished in the location. In a pancreas allocate three parts, a head, a body and a tail, according to them define also cysts. Most often cysts of a body and a tail of a pancreas (85%) meet, is more rare – head cysts (15%).
The most characteristic symptom of a cyst of a pancreas with most of which often ask for medical assistance is pain, or a constant, or in the form of attacks. Bol can be sent to a back, area of a navel, the right or left hypochondrium, and also to have the surrounding character. Intensity of pain can differ, besides, it can change at the same patient – from tolerant aching to very acute which happens when the cyst increasing in a size squeezes the next neuroplexes.
Except pain, dyspepsia symptoms are observed: heartburn, an eructation, feeling of weight in a stomach. In some cases there can be nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
If education reaches the considerable sizes and breaks work of the next bodies, also other symptoms can join. For example, the cyst of a head of a pancreas can squeeze a bilious channel, having broken bile outflow. It leads to mechanical jaundice with all signs inherent to this state.
The main diagnostic method at this disease is visualization by means of ultrasonography. Apply a computer or magnetic and resonant tomography to specification. If there is a need to differentiate a cyst from malignant or other education, carry out an aspiration puncture of a cyst under ultrasonography control, with the subsequent histochemical studying of the received punctate.
Some types of cysts which are especially relating to true, the small size and found accidentally, do not demand treatment. The patient is only warned about need to periodically undergo inspection and about precautionary measures – an exception of a diet of greasy, fried food and alcohol which can cause growth of a cyst and lead to its inflammation.
If in the presence of complaints the pancreas cyst which is not exceeding 5 cm in the absence of complication signs, tactics following is found: to the patient appoint a sparing diet (table No. 5p) and the anesthetizing drugs. Repeated inspection is appointed in one and a half months. If during this time displays of a cyst abate, and ultrasonography confirms lack of its growth, the subsequent treatment consists in a dietotherapy. It is offered to undergo to the patient two times a year inspection not to miss the moment when education begins to increase. The same treatment is appointed also at not created cysts, waiting so far process of formation will be complete.
Doctors note that there are cases of self-healing of adventitious cysts, especially at the patients who had acute pancreatitis.
If the cyst has the size of 6 cm and more, usually resort to surgical methods. Carry out drainage of a cyst, i.e. removal of its liquid contents. If there is no purulent process, then do it by means of a laparoscopy - it is the sparing intervention when the section of an abdominal cavity is not made, and all manipulations carry out by means of small punctures in an abdominal wall by the endoscopic tool. In the presence of indications carry out by the same method removal of the cyst.
In the presence of purulent process or other contraindications to laparoscopic intervention, drainage of a cyst is carried out by means of band operation.
If the cyst of a pancreas has malignancy signs, i.e. developments into a malignant tumor that happens rather seldom, carry out the resection of a part of a pancreas containing a cyst.
The cyst of a pancreas demands at least careful medical observation as it in the absence of timely treatment can lead to serious complications. Are such:
These states pose direct threat for life. Their signs are temperature increase, strengthening of pain; at a gap – sudden sharp pain, cold sweat, a bystry aggravation of symptoms up to a loss of consciousness. In similar situations the emergency medical care in the conditions of hospital is necessary.
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