Cyst of a thyroid gland – a hollow node with liquid contents.
Statistically, the cyst of a thyroid gland occurs approximately at 3-5% of the population of the planet. But in recent years rapid growth of patients with this pathology is observed. Are more subject to cysts of the woman. Preferential all cysts high-quality and in a malignant form regenerate extremely seldom. But it does not mean at all that treatment of a cyst of a thyroid gland is not required. It is necessary to appoint adequate therapy right after detection. Quite often it happens that the cyst disappears also suddenly, as well as appears, and sometimes its current is complicated by inflammatory process or suppuration.
As a rule, the cyst of a thyroid gland is a consequence of other disease which breaks outflow of colloid liquid from gland follicle. Therefore many doctors are inclined to carry it not to an independent disease, and to a complication of any existing disease.
The thyroid gland consists from a follicle which form the pseudo-segments surrounded with a grid of capillaries. Inside follicles hollow, covered by thyroid cells and filled with liquid. Liquid consists of proteins which contain protohormones. If outflow of this liquid is broken, it begins to collect gradually in follicles that leads to increase in their sizes and formation of a cyst.
Quite often cysts arise because of dystrophy or a hyperplasia a follicle, or owing to microhemorrhage (blows or injuries).
The following factors are the most common causes of a cyst of a thyroid gland:
Throughout a long span the cyst of a thyroid gland is not shown in any way. Quite often patients learn about existence of a cyst absolutely accidentally, having planned medical examination. Sometimes, that the doctor of other specialization directs to survey of a thyroid gland of the patient. Smooth, dense small knots can easily be probed under skin.
Independently patients see a doctor quite often already at the started disease stage when deformation of a neck or a node is visually noticeable. As a rule, the cyst sizes at this stage already exceed 3 centimeters therefore treatment of a cyst of a thyroid gland needs to be begun immediately.
The main symptoms of a cyst of a thyroid gland are the hoarseness and even loss of a voice, the complicated breath, constant neck pains, disorder of functions of swallowing and breath, tartness and feeling of "lump" in a throat.
Quite often the cyst is followed by dangerous complications. Of them are main inflammatory process in a cyst or its suppuration. At the same time symptoms of a cyst of a thyroid gland following:
If the cyst has the big size, then it puts pressure upon nearby vessels and bodies. In a malignant tumor the cyst regenerates extremely seldom, but, nevertheless, it happens.
For specification of the diagnosis it is necessary to carry out tool diagnosis which treat:
If necessary to the patient can appoint also other types of researches.
All consolidations in a neck of the considerable sizes put pressure upon blood vessels, quite often begin to suppurate and inflame, being followed by unpleasant symptoms and pain. Also the possibility of regeneration of a cyst in a malignant tumor is not excluded. Therefore treatment of this illness is necessary.
Treatment of a cyst of a thyroid gland can be conservative or operational. If the cyst does not increase in a size, or increases very slowly, appoint preferential drug treatment using resorptional and hormonal therapy. Sometimes, depending on the reason of a cyst of a thyroid gland, the endocrinologist appoints iodine drugs.
Administration of medicines directly in a cyst cavity is in case of need possible. In certain cases the similar technique is quite effective and helps a cyst to disappear, but preferential the effect is reached only temporary and in the future the recurrence is not excluded.
If the cyst has the essential sizes, then its operational treatment (strumectomy) is applied. As a rule, the cyst is removed together with a share of the gland. This operation is performed under anesthetic and demands hospitalization. If on a puncture malignant cells were revealed, then operation is the only treatment in order to avoid increase in a tumor and development a metastasis.
If the cyst of a thyroid gland has the small sizes, then the following folk remedies for its treatment can appear quite effective:
It is necessary to know that irrespective of the fact which you chose a method of treatment of a cyst of a thyroid gland: folk remedies, medicines or an operative measure, any of them will not be adequately effective until you find and do not remove the cause of a cyst.
Prevention of formation of a cyst of a thyroid gland consists in the daily use of iodine and vitamins. Will not prevent to protect area of a neck from influence of direct sunshine and radiation, to regularly carry out physiotherapy.
The most rare disease – a disease the Kura. Only representatives of the tribe Faure in New Guinea are ill it. The patient dies of laughter. It is considered that eating of a human brain is an origin of a disease.
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