
The kiwi has east origin as originally it began to be grown up in Ancient China. Only in 1906 fruit of a kiwi was delivered to New Zealand which many also consider it the homeland. The first name which it was given, – "the Chinese gooseberry", but after increase in demand for this fruit it was renamed into honor of the small birdie who is a symbol of this east country. Today are engaged in cultivation of a kiwi in Italy, Israel, New Zealand, in the west of France and in California.

Растение киви с плодами

A little softish fruit as such fruit is rather mature is considered the most tasty. Unripe fruit of a kiwi are firm to the touch in order that they ripened, they can be put on a table so that on them direct sunshine did not fall, or to turn in a paper package of bananas, pears or apples. Mature fruits are stored in the refrigerator up to 2 weeks.

The mass of fruit of a kiwi reaches about 50-150 grams. The most part of structure is occupied by water which in a kiwi about 84%, the remained 10% belong to carbohydrates, 1% – proteins, and other 5% are food fibers which are disaccharide, a monosaccharide and niacin. Also the kiwi is characterized by rather low caloric content, to fall on 100 g of this product only 48 kcal.

Useful properties of a kiwi

The advantage of a kiwi is explained by a huge amount of vitamins which contain in this overseas fruit. Besides, useful properties are not lost even at preservation as pulp of fruits has the necessary degree of acidity.

Fresh fruit of a kiwi contains such vitamins:

- vitamin C which content is equal to 92 mg on 100 g that considerably surpasses amount of the same vitamin B of a citrus and paprika;

- vitamin E which lack is noticed at fans of diets and at the use of fruit of a kiwi can be filled up reserves of this vitamin even during a diet;

- the B9 vitamin better known under the name "folic acid" according to which contents fruit concedes only to broccoli;

- the B6 vitamin familiar to us as pyrotoxin which is especially necessary for pregnant women or the feeding women, elderly people and children.

This unique vitaminized structure causes useful properties of a kiwi.

Thanks to the high content of vitamin C the use of this fruit is incredibly effective for prevention of catarrhal diseases, immunity strengthening, and also for the prevention of various infections, prevention and treatment of many problems with vessels.

Except vitamins fruit of a kiwi contains a set of various microelements which are presented by manganese, iron, iodine and mass of other useful substances. For example, in 100 g of this product 40 mg of calcium and 34 mg of phosphorus find room the whole 300 mg of potassium, and also.

The advantage of a kiwi consists also in contents in this fruit of unique enzyme which is called актинидин, just necessary for the good proteolysis, stimulation of the alimentary system and normalization of level of a svorachivayemost of blood.

Use of fruit of a kiwi

The regular use of a kiwi helps to revitalize an organism, it promotes removal from an organism of cholesterol, iron absorption, and also neutralization of an adverse effect on all systems of an organism of nitrates. The huge advantage of a kiwi is also that it is irreplaceable for prevention, and also decrease in possible risk of developing of cardiovascular and oncological diseases. Also fruit of a kiwi makes favorable impact on processes of a metabolism and digestion. Besides, with its help it is possible to normalize protein metabolism.

Useful properties of a kiwi are also concluded also that this fruit – excellent prophylactic of thrombosis, atherosclerosis, hypertension and heart failure.

If to enter only several small fruits of a kiwi into a daily diet, it is possible to make a contribution to regulation of a nervous system, to get rid of stresses and depressions. At regular use fruit of a kiwi is capable to cope with removal of salts from an organism, it helps and to prevent developing of nephroliths.

The kiwi is considered rather dietary fruit which is recommended for the use to the people suffering from excess weight. Also it is quite effective at combustion of fats – thanks to the high content of cellulose fruit of a kiwi is irreplaceable for people who keep the figure.

Rather widely the kiwi is used also in cosmetology. Cream, tonics and lotions which part kiwi fruit is nourish skin with useful substances, do it velvet and elastic therefore these properties of fruits most often use in the rejuvenating and moistening means.

Плоды киви

Contraindications to the use of fruit of a kiwi

Though the advantage of a kiwi also is huge, nevertheless, there are certain contraindications to its use forcing to show consideration more for its use.

Fruit of a kiwi is very allergenic. Even the small piece of a fruit can cause ultraboundary allergic reaction in allergic persons. Such reaction, and sometimes even is followed by a throat dermatosis, a paraglossa an asthmatic otdyshka which can reach up to a condition of a collapse. The use of this fruit can cause an acute anaphylaxis in children allergic persons.

The use of a kiwi and to people who have gastritis and gastrointestinal diseases is not recommended.

Whether you know that:

The most rare disease – a disease the Kura. Only representatives of the tribe Faure in New Guinea are ill it. The patient dies of laughter. It is considered that eating of a human brain is an origin of a disease.