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Climax (klimakteriya) – the post-reproductive period in the woman's life which is characterized by fading of sexual and reproductive function. A climax – genetically caused hormonal transformation of an organism. Set of the symptoms accompanying a climax is called a menopausal syndrome.Климакс - угасание половой и репродуктивной функции у женщины

The early climax is also called a syndrome of exhaustion of ovaries. A climax – natural reorganization of an organism of the woman which normal happens at the age of 46-52 years. However cases of early approach of a climax (up to 36 years) and late approach of a climax are known (after 60 years). Regardless of at what age there comes the climax, this state is followed by a number of characteristic symptoms and signs. The climax is not a disease, disturbance or dysfunction of systems of an organism, respectively it is impossible to treat, resist or prevent this state. Recently doctors speak about a possibility of a delay of a climax. But the reliable methods of therapy promoting extension of reproductive function and a delay of a climax are not known yet.

The climax is characterized by decrease in production of sex hormones in the woman's organism, decrease in reaction of ovaries to the sex hormones produced by a hypophysis. In the period of a climax there is a failure of a menstrual cycle, anovulatory menstrual cycles prevail that significantly reduces ability of the woman to conception.

In the climax period standardly allocate 3 phases:

  • Premenopauza – the long phase of a climax which is characterized by decrease in fertility of the woman. Despite essential decrease in fertile function, the woman in the period of a premenopauza is still capable to conception and incubation of the child;
  • The menopause – exists several interpretations of this concept. A menopause consider as the period of the last periods in the woman's lives, and last periods. Diagnose a menopause if after the last periods there passed not less than 12 months;
  • Postmenopause – the climax phase coming after the last periods and lasting until the end of life.

The factors influencing approach of a climax at women

Certain factors directly or indirectly influence approach of a climax at women. It is necessary that the major factors promoting early approach of a climax at women are:

  • Genetic predisposition, heredity (quantity of follicles in ovaries, processes of synthesis of hormones follicles, functions of a hypothalamus and a hypophysis);
  • Chronic diseases (hormonal imbalance of an organism, cardiovascular disturbances, diabetes mellitus, pathology of a thyroid gland, oncological diseases and the postponed radiation therapy);
  • Geographical factor (active sunshine promote early periods and late approach of a menopause);
  • Socio-economic factor (according to statistical data, at the women less subject to stressful states who are not involved in hard physical work with a rated operating schedule and rest, the climax develops much later);
  • Behavioural factor (healthy lifestyle, sexual activity);
  • Psychological factor (stresses, nervous breakdowns, mental disturbances, emotional instability promote early approach of a climax).

Climax signs

The first signs of a climax are not associated with fading of reproductive function as the symptomatology of this period has the general character for a number of disturbances of reproductive function. Precursory symptoms of a climax and their manifestation are especially individual. The main signs of a climax allowing to define its beginning can be the neurovegetative and psychoemotional nature.

Treat neurovegetative signs of a climax:

  • Incidental inflows (alternate feeling of heat and fever);
  • The increased sweating;
  • Cardiovascular disturbances (tachycardia, cardialgia, instability of arterial pressure);
  • Frequent headaches, migraines, dizzinesses.

Treat psychoemotional signs of a climax:

  • Causeless irritability;
  • Fatigue, slackness, depression;
  • Sharp changes of mood;
  • Disturbance of attention and memory;
  • Sleep disorder;
  • Decrease in a libido.

Гормонозаместительная терапия - метод уменьшения симптомов климаксаIt is wrong to believe that these signs of a climax indicate oppression of sexual and reproductive function in 100% of cases. Manifestation of these signs in total against the background of changes of a menstrual cycle (scanty menstrual bleedings, a cycle irregularity, a metabasis of a premenstrual syndrome) – an occasion to see a doctor to the gynecologist-endocrinologist. Signs of an early climax have to be differentiated from other disturbances (pathologies of a hypophysis, thyroid gland, psychological disturbances).

Climax: symptoms and risks

In addition to precursory symptoms of approach of a climax the symptoms accompanying this process can be physical and psychoemotional character.

At a climax symptoms are shown as follows:

  • Changes of mucous membranes (also generative organs) with their frequent inflammation, dryness;
  • Dysfunctional uterine bleedings;
  • Disturbance of functioning of an urinary system (frequent urinations, incontiences of urine, inflammation);
  • Frequent inflammatory processes of a vagina of bacterial genesis;
  • Atrophy mucous vaginas;
  • Metabolic syndrome (disturbance of exchange processes, increase in body weight);
  • The osteoporosis (fragility of bone tissues) developing owing to disturbance of calcic exchange;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Alzheimer's disease.

Climax: treatment, prevention

At approach of a climax treatment is oriented to normalization of functions of the systems of an organism subject to reorganization during this period. So, at a climax treatment assumes fortifying, symptomatic, hormonal therapy, psychotherapy.

The climax is not a disease, it is natural process of an organism. At the heart of treatment of a climax the hormonal replacing therapy is applied to completion of insufficiency of function of ovaries.

The climax cannot be warned or prevented. However in life it is possible to be prepared for this inevitable period. The healthy lifestyle, good nutrition, physical activity, a normal mental and emotional state will allow to avoid heavy manifestation of symptoms of a climax and it is easier to endure the period of reorganization and adaptation of an organism.

Drugs at a climax: replacement hormonal therapy

For elimination of symptoms the hormonal drugs at a climax filling insufficiency of function of ovaries are appointed. Drugs at a climax are defined by the doctor the gynecologist-endocrinologist in each individual case after carrying out careful inspection and an exception of possible risk factors and contraindications among which:

  • Oncological diseases (breast cancer, endometrial cancer);
  • Endometria hyperplasia;
  • Pathological uterine bleedings;
  • Arterial hypertension;
  • Tendency to fibrinferments;
  • Liver diseases.

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Average life expectancy of lefthanders is less, than right-handed persons.