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Contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis call an inflammation which arises because of contact with allergen. Rash at contact dermatitis is limited to one area and often has accurate outlines.Аллерген - причина контактного дерматита

Symptoms of contact dermatitis

Symptoms of contact dermatitis begin with easy and incontinuous reddening and come to an end with strong puffiness and bubbles. Often rash represents tiny pruritic bubbles. Right at the beginning rash can be limited to the site of contact with the activator, but further it is capable to extend on nearby sites of skin.

The area of rash can occupy big sites of skin (for example if contact dermatitis is caused by body cream) or to be local (for example, to take lobes of ears if contact dermatitis was caused by earrings).

If to eliminate an irritant, reddening, as a rule, takes place for several days. Bubbles can sometimes become wet and form crusts, but they quickly enough dry. And here the itch, a peeling and a temporary thickening of skin can remain several days or weeks.

Reasons of contact dermatitis

Allergens are the reason of contact dermatitis. They can cause an inflammation in the form of irritation (simple contact dermatitis) or allergic reaction (allergic contact dermatitis). Even the lightest detergents, soaps and some metals if they often contact to skin can cause an inflammation. Just continuous influence of ordinary water can sometimes dry up and irritate skin. Instantly (in several minutes) strong irritants (for example, the alkalis and acids which are contained in washing means) and some solvents of an organic origin can cause irritation (for example, acetone as a part of means for removal of a varnish from nails).

At allergic contact dermatitis primary or several first contacts with an irritant can not provoke an inflammation, but further contacts cause dermatitis and an itch on an extent from four to twenty hours. Happens that people contact to some substances many years and they do not cause in them any irritations, but then, suddenly, allergic reaction appears. Even those can cause such reaction of cream and ointment which use for treatment of contact dermatitis. Approximately 10% of women have an allergy to nickel which contains in jewelry. Distinguish also professional contact dermatitis which arises from contact with some materials at work.


It is often hard to define the reason of contact dermatitis as we not always remember what we contacted to and, respectively, that could cause reaction. Often localization of the first rashes helps to diagnose contact dermatitis.Тридерм - глюкокортикоид для лечения контактного дерматита

Sometimes, if, having even in detail asked the patient, the doctor cannot define allergen, application skin test is carried out. During this procedure on skin it is applied a few substances causing contact dermatitis, and these substances remain on skin within two days to see, reaction will appear or not.

Treatment of contact dermatitis

Treatment of contact dermatitis consists in elimination of the irritating factor. As a rule, after elimination of an irritant contact dermatitis passes independently. If it does not occur, are appointed strong cream or the ointments containing glucocorticoids. If the person and generative organs is surprised, and rashes continue to extend, also the drugs for internal reception containing glucocorticoids are appointed. The course of treatment makes from two to three weeks as at the use smaller time inevitably there will be recurrence. Drugs once a day in the mornings are accepted.

To avoid hit of an infection, the struck area needs to be washed out periodically usual water with myagkodeystvuyushchy soap means. Bubbles are forbidden to be opened. Also for protection against an infection it is possible to use dry bandages.

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