Red beet is a biannual herbaceous plant with a dark-purple shade. Leaves on a stalk small, oblong shape. Leaves at beet red-green. It has a thick repovidny root crop of dark red color.
In the medicinal purposes use both beet root crops, and a tops of vegetable, leaves. Leaves of red beet apply fresh. In use the following names of this root crop are also used:
This idle time and daily vegetable is unique. Curative properties of red beet are known since the Roman Empire, and this vegetable got to Russia in the X century.
Great Hippocrates considered that the advantage of red beet is very high: it cures of many diseases and is allocated with curative properties.
Today the advantage of red beet is indisputable, and it is widely used in the medical purposes. Red beet keeps the useful properties not only in a crude, but also boiled look. Root crops of red beet keep all the useful qualities even at long storage. Traditional medicine considers that red beet treats more than 100 diseases. The advantage of red beet is demonstrated by a set of curative recipes.
Nutrition value of red beet is by the following list:
Along with unique properties of red beet and its advantage, the caloric content of this root crop does not differ in a considerable indicator. So, in 100 g of a root crop only 42 kcal contain.
The advantage of red beet is caused by the wide list of vitamins:
Besides, numerous properties of red beet are caused by contents in it various macrocells:
The considerable advantage of red beet is reached thanks to presence at its structure of many important microelements:
Red beet takes the second place after garlic on the content of iron. And its ability to saturate an organism with iodine is a little less, than at a laminaria.
Thanks to useful and medical qualities, red beet at treatment is applied as the fortifying, improving digestive processes and a metabolism in an organism means.
Beet brings toxins out of an organism. The use of beet prevents emergence and growth of some malignant tumors. Thanks to the content of B9 vitamin is ideal for the prevention of heart diseases. The useful substances which are contained in red beet and its properties provide the following impacts on an organism:
Very important property of red beet at treatment is the possibility of removal of excess liquid from an organism. Thanks to numerous useful properties of red beet, walls of blood vessels become stronger, and cardiac performance is stabilized. Therefore, red beet for treatment and prevention is recommended at the following disturbances of health:
Existence in red beet of folic acid promotes formation of new cells therefore it renders the rejuvenating effect on an organism.
Advantage of red beet in its properties which allow it to strengthen memory and to stimulate a brain at atherosclerosis, to treat sleeplessness and neurosises, to maintain good shape of mental health.
Also, the advantage of red beet for people with an excess weight and suffering from a liquid delay in an organism is indisputable. Beet perfectly purifies blood, kidneys, a liver and reduces acidity in an organism.
The high content of pectinaceous substances in root crops of beet provides good protective properties at impact on an organism of heavy and radioactive metals. Besides, the advantage of red beet consists in an opportunity to bring cholesterol out of blood and to interfere with development of harmful microorganisms in intestines.
Beet has the hemopoietic properties, it is applied at different degrees of anemia, and also at the lowered durability of walls of blood vessels. The painting pigments of red beet, flavonoids, increase durability of capillaries, stimulate formation of erythrocytes, remove vasospasms.
Thanks to high content of iodine, red beet for treatment and prevention of diseases of a thyroid gland is used. Beet is applied and yields good results at stomach ulcer and a duodenum, normalizes work of all digestive tract.
High content of zinc in beet increases duration of effect of insulin therefore the advantage of red beet is obvious to diabetics.
Red beet at treatment of pneumonia, pleurisy, chronic cold is used. Apply properties of red beet also at such diseases as:
Gruel from fresh beet treats tumors and skin ulcers. Boiled beet and broth have diuretic and laxative effect.
For treatment red beet of many diseases often uses juice. An important point of such treatment is the following rule: freshly squeezed juice from beet contains the poisoning volatiles that makes the general weakness, sick and vomiting. In this regard, before the use, it is necessary to sustain juice in the refrigerator not less than 2 hours.
Juice of red beet is drunk for improvement of health, arousing appetite, increase in immunity.
Juice from beet is recommended at thrombophlebitises, a phlebectasia, a pachemia. Besides, the advantage of red beet in the form of juice provides clarification of a liver, gall bladder and kidneys. Juice at frustration of a menstrual cycle is especially useful, at a menopausal syndrome. Properties of red beet and benefit which is brought by its juice are quite capable to replace expensive hormonal drugs.
The overdose of fresh beet juice can cause a spasm of blood vessels of a brain, and it is fraught with the most serious effects. In the presence of other associated diseases (a hypertension, heart disease, tachycardia and other), such reaction can be life-threatening. Therefore, the health is very important not to endanger and to settle beet juice after an extraction.
You should not abuse beet that at whom the stomach differs in weakness. Gastritis with a stomach hyperoxemia also has to become a contraindication to use for treatment of red beet.
Content of oxalic acid in red beet demands restriction in the use it for people with an urolithiasis and others of disbolism in an organism.
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