
The rudd treats fishes of family of cyprinid. She lives in lakes and the rivers which flow into the Baltic, Caspian, Northern, Black and Aral seas.

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The rudd differs in very beautiful outward. Her body is covered by small brilliant scales of yellowish-golden color. Fins have crimson or bright red coloring. By the outward the rudd reminds small fry and differs from the last in higher body and eyes of orange color. In the nature hybrids of these two species of fish sometimes meet. Existence of signs of both types is characteristic of them.

In length the rudd reaches 20 – 50 cm, and her weight makes from 350,0 g to 2 kg.

The rudd usually lives in reservoirs with numerous water plants. She prefers to keep in depth and in the thickness of vegetation, avoiding an exit to open sites.

Properties of a rudd

Meat of a rudd differs in gentle and peculiar taste. Content of fat in it low, only 3%. Therefore this fish can be eaten without fear to gather extra kilos those who care for symmetry of the figure.

100,0 g of pulp of a rudd contain 18,5 g of full-fledged protein. Unlike meat protein it is acquired by a human body almost completely. In this regard nutritionists recommend to include rudd dishes in a diet of children, elderly people, and also patients with chronic diseases.

The rudd is also rich with chrome, phosphorus and PP vitamin. Not only we bypass the phosphorus which is contained in her for synthesis of molecules ATP, but also promotes the best digestion of calcium.

In the summer meat of a rudd becomes bitterish therefore at this time her trade is not carried out and are not eaten.

Caloric content of 100,0 g of a rudd makes 100,5 kcal.

Use of a rudd

Because of a peculiar taste meat of a rudd is pleasant to not everyone. However at the correct preparation, tastes of dishes from this fish considerably improve and sometimes, people cannot even guess from what species of fish they are prepared. It is necessary to work much to feed the relatives, really tasty rudd.

Most often from it cook the most delicate fish cutlets. Fish should be cleaned, gutted and to wash out carefully under flowing water. Then meat is separated from bones and two times overwind via the meat grinder with onions, fat and the white loaf soaked in milk. It is necessary to add crude egg to the received forcemeat, to salt and pepper it to taste. To create cutlets and to fry them from two parties on the warmed vegetable oil. From the remained fins and bones to weld a strong fish broth. To put ready cutlets in a stewpan, to fill in with hot broth, to close a cover and to weary on very small fire of 20 - 30 minutes.

The rudd for preparation of fish soup is practically not used since the content of fat in it is minimum. And here the fried rudd differs in excellent taste. Before frying pieces of fish should be washed out in very strong solution of table salt that allows to get rid of a specific smell of a rudd because of which many people refuse to eat this useful product.

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The rudd is very well combined practically with all vegetables. Therefore from it quite often cook fish vegetable stew. For this purpose pieces of a rudd extinguish on a frying pan with small cut tomatoes, paprika, olives and mushrooms. Before giving on a table add small cut egg and greens, and also olive oil to ragout. It is necessary to salt and pepper ragout at the very end of preparation. On a table give cold.

Not less tasty turns out a rudd stewed not with vegetables, and in milk. It is possible to serve with mashed potatoes or boiled green peas it.

In shops it is quite often possible to see a salty rudd. It perfectly approaches as snack beer.

Interesting facts

New Zealand and Canada consider a rudd harmful fish since it forces out local valuable species of fish from reservoirs.

Fishermen perfectly know that the rudd perfectly pecks on artificial baits of bright yellow color, and here just ignores all others.

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