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Laktatsid Femina

The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 269 rub.

Эмульсия Лактацид ФеминаLaktatsid Femina – a series of the means of intimate hygiene recovering acid-base balance of generative organs.

Pharmacological action Laktatsid Femina

Laktatsid Femina contains in means lactic acid of 1% which supports a protective barrier of skin mucous and skin of external genitals, and also lactose, nut oil, milk protein and other excipients.

Thanks to the structure Laktatsid Femina eliminate an itch, an unpleasant smell, irritation, pain and the other feelings bringing discomfort in external genitals caused by reception of medicines, use of other means of intimate hygiene and so forth.

Judging by responses about Laktatsid Femina, products of a series do not irritate, do not dry up skin, and their additional positive property is that they suppress development of pathogenic microorganisms and prevent emergence of inflammations of female generative organs.

There are no soap and alcohol in structure Laktatsid Femina.

Release form

Laktatsid Femina release in a look:

  • Gel;
  • Mousse;
  • Liquids;
  • Emulsions;
  • Napkins for intimate hygiene.

Indications to use

These means of intimate hygiene recommend for use during periods and on their end, after sports activities, sex, during a heat, after visit of a public sauna or the pool.

In the instruction Laktatsid Femina it is specified that all products of this series can be included in complex therapy of inflammations of female generative organs – for stabilization of acid-base balance.

Good reviews of use of means of this series for prevention of inflammations after an antibioticotherapia, during reception of hormonal contraceptives, after small gynecologic interventions, in the period of a climax.

Route of administration

The emulsion and liquid are rather concentrated therefore before washing they are parted 1:2 and process solution mucous and skin of external genitals then wash away.

Мусс Лактацид ФеминаGel and mousse are the ready to the use not concentrated means for intimate hygiene.

Napkins Laktatsid Femina recommend to apply when there is no opportunity to take a shower, for example, on the way. It is not necessary to rinse with water generative organs after use of napkins.

All products of a series, without exception, can be used daily for intimate hygiene, it is not necessary to supplement them with other detergents. Before the use bottles with means are recommended to be stirred up.

Side effects

Side effects after use of drugs are not noticed.


There are no contraindications to use of means of intimate hygiene Laktatsid Femina. They can be used also during pregnancy. Significant medicinal interaction is not recorded.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Laktatsid Femina mousse for intimate hygiene of 150 ml, Glaxo SmitnKline Consumer Healthcare

269 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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