Main > Drugs> Lysozyme


Лизоцим формулаLysozyme – the antibacterial drug of a natural origin used intramusculary and locally.

Pharmacological action

Active ingredient of the drug Lysozyme is a lysozyme the hydrochloride which contains in leukocytes, mucous membranes, skin, the lacrimal liquid, saliva, breast milk.

For production of medicine use the enzyme which is contained in protein of eggs. The lysozyme has ability to destroy a structural basis of a cell of microorganisms that causes its antibacterial effect.

Drug is active concerning gram-positive and to a lesser extent gram-negative microorganisms.

Besides, the Lysozyme has the immunomodulatory, liquefying and antiinflammatory properties.

Indications to use

Lysozyme, use it has to be coordinated with the doctor, it is effective at treatment of purulent processes, chronic septic states, freezing injuries, burns, and also at conjunctivitis, cornea erosion, aphthous stomatitises, pharyngitises, laryngitis, antritises and other infectious diseases.

In the LOR-expert and stomatology often use a lysozyme a hydrochloride in a combination with such substances as эноксолон (Geksaliz) and a dekvaliniya chloride (Laripront, Lizak).

Route of administration

The lysozyme is issued in the form of sterile powder in bottles which before use dissolve in 2-3 ml 0,25% of solution of novocaine or solution of sodium of chloride.

In eye practice usually use 0,25% solution which for 3-7 days 3-4 times a day dig in in eyes.

In otorhinolaryngological practice and at nonspecific diseases of lungs apply 0,05% solution the Lysozyme which is used about 2-10 ml for once within 5-14 days are inhalation.

ЛизоцимFor treatment of wound fevers, purulent wounds, freezing injuries, burns the instruction recommends to impose for affected areas of a napkin, previously moistened 0,05% solution the Lysozyme.

Intramuscular use the Lysozyme assumes administration of drug 2-3 times a day on 150 mg for one week.

If necessary the course of treatment can be prolonged up to one month.

Side effects

The lysozyme, as a rule, is well transferred, allergic reactions to drug were only in certain cases noted.

Prolonged intramuscular use the Lysozyme demands blood coagulation control.


Hypersensitivity to a lysozyme to a hydrochloride is a reason for refusal of drug use.

Additional information

Storage the Lysozyme in the dark place where air temperature does not rise higher than 200C, will allow drug to remain a long time suitable for use. The period of validity the Lysozyme is specified on packaging.

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