Application instruction:
Levomekol – the combined drug for external use with the antibacterial and regenerating action.
Dosage form – ointment for external use (on 25 g, 30 g, 40 g in aluminum tubas, in a cardboard pack 1 tuba; on 100 g or 1000 in glass jars of dark color, in a cardboard pack or brown paper of 1 bank).
Content of active ingredients in 1 g of ointment:
Auxiliary components: poly(ethylene oxide) 400, poly(ethylene oxide) 1500.
Levomekol's use is shown for treatment of the infected purulent wounds, including with the mixed microflora in a phase is purulent - a necrotic wound process.
Use of ointment is contraindicated to patients with hypersensitivity to drug components.
Ointment is applied outwardly, carefully filling all necrotizing sites of purulent wounds. Use of the sterile gauze napkins impregnated with ointment is reasonable. Administration of drug can be made for filling of hardly accessible purulent cavities by means of the syringe through a catheter or a drainage tube, previously having warmed up ointment up to the temperature of 35-36 °C. It is necessary to make change of bandages 1 time a day during the period necessary for the absolute termination it is purulent - necrotic process.
Levomekol's use can cause development of allergic reactions of local localization.
At long putting ointment on extensive wound body parts during pregnancy it is necessary to consider a possibility of absorption and toxic effect of drug.
Interaction of ointment with other medicines is not established.
To store in the unavailable to children, protected from light place at a temperature up to 20 °C.
Period of validity – 3,5 years.
Name of drug
Levomekol ointment 40 of, Nizhpharm (N. Novgorod)
114 rub.
Voskopran a bandage with ointment левомеколь No. 5 7.5kh5sm, Biotekfarm closed joint stock company / Nizhpharm
396 rub.
Voskopran a bandage with ointment левомеколь No. 30 10kh10sm, Biotekfarm closed joint stock company / Nizhpharm
2388 rub.
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