Main > Drugs> Lomilanum


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from 104 rub.

 Суспензия для приема внутрь ЛомиланLomilanum – antihistaminic medicine of systemic action, a blocker of H1-histamine receptors. Possesses antiallergic, antipruritic, anti-exudative action.

Form of release and structure

  • Tablets: flat, round, with a facet, on one of the parties dividing risk, almost white or white color (on 10 pieces in the blister, in a pack cardboard 1, 2 or 3 blisters; on 7 pieces in the blister, in a pack the cardboard 1 blister);
  • Suspension for intake: a homogeneous suspension from almost white till white color (on 120 ml in bottles of dark glass, in a pack a cardboard 1 bottle complete with a dosing spoon).

Structure of 1 tablet:

  • Active ingredient: лоратадин – 10 mg;
  • Additional components: starch zhelatinirovanny, starch corn, magnesium stearate, lactose.

Structure of 1 ml of suspension for intake:

  • Active ingredient: лоратадин – 1 mg;
  • Additional components: citric acid monohydrate, polysorbate 80, Natrium benzoicum, citrate sodium a dihydrate, sugar crystal white, авицель RC 591 FMC глицерол concentrated propylene glycol, aroma of wild cherry, the water purified.

Indications to use

Lomilanum is applied to therapy and prevention of the following diseases / states:

  • Year-round and seasonal allergic inflammation of a mucous membrane of a nasal cavity (rhinitis);
  • Allergic inflammation of a mucous membrane of an eye (conjunctivitis);
  • Skin diseases of allergic character (including a chronic idiopathic small tortoiseshell);
  • Pseudo-allergic reactions;
  • Allergy to stings of insects.


Tablets and suspension Lomilanum are not recommended to be accepted at hypersensitivity to any of their components.

In the presence of a liver failure drug is used with care.

During pregnancy to use drug it is allowed only if the estimated advantage for mother is much higher than potential risk for a fruit. As лоратадин it is allocated with breast milk, in the period of a lactation it is necessary to resolve an issue of breastfeeding interruption.

For today there are not enough data on efficiency and safety of use of a loratadin at children's age up to 2 years.

Route of administration and dosage

Tablets and suspension are intended for intake. It is possible to wash down tablets with water or milk, and in case of need they should be chewed. Administration of drug along with food is allowed.

In days the single dose of drug in the dose depending on age category and the patient's weight is recommended:

  • Children of 2-12 years with body weight to 30 kg: tablets – 1/2 pieces (5 mg); suspension – 1 dosing spoon (5 ml);
  • Children are more senior than 12 years with the body weight of 30 kg and more, and adults: tablets – 1 piece (10 mg); suspension – 2 dosing spoons (10 ml).

At a renal failure or abnormal liver functions it is necessary to accept drug on 10 mg (2 dosing spoons of suspension or 1 tablet) every other day.

At children's age from 2 to 12 years it is preferable to use Lomilanum in the form of suspension.

Side effects

Frequency of noted side reactions when using Lomilanum was same, as well as at reception of placebo and depended on age category of patients:

  • Children: seldom – nervousness, a headache, sedation;
  • Adults: dryness in a mouth, a headache, drowsiness, nausea, gastritis, increased fatigue; seldom – an alopecia, allergic skin rashes, anaphylactic reactions, abnormal liver functions.

Symptoms of overdose are: drowsiness, a headache, heartbeat (can proceed the long period). For the purpose of therapy it is necessary to remove drug from digestive tract as soon as possible, and whenever possible to reduce its absorption (absorbent carbon, a gastric lavage). The specific antidote for a loratadin does not exist for today.

Special instructions

Two days prior to carrying out skin allergy tests administration of drug needs to be stopped as it can distort results of analyses.

There are no data on influence of Lomilanum (at its use in the recommended doses) on concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions. However patients need to be careful in case of exceeding of a dose or at emergence of non-standard reactions, being engaged in potentially dangerous types of activity.

Medicinal interaction

  • Ketokonazol and Cimetidinum – increase concentration of a loratadin in blood;
  • Inductors of a microsomal oxidation (ethanol, rifampicin, Phenytoinum, barbiturates, tricyclic antidepressants) – reduce efficiency of a loratadin.

Terms and storage conditions

To store in the place unavailable to children, at a temperature up to 25 °C, to protect tablets from light and moisture.

Period of validity of suspension and tablets – 4 years.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Lomilanum suspension фл 5mg/5ml 120 ml, Lek

104 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Lomilanum suspension for intake 5mg/5ml 120 ml

108 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Lomilanum of a tablet 10 of mg of 7 pieces

121 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Lomilanum тбл 10 mg No. 7, Lek

122 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Lomilanum тбл 10 mg No. 10, Lek

136 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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