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The salmon is the representative of predatory fishes from family Salmon. Because of difficult classification in names of fish from this family often there is a confusion. On the one hand, the term is present at generic names of Noble and Pacific salmons, with another – both the trout, and a Siberian salmon, and an omul which quite often get under definition "salmon" are a part of family. But actually a salmon at us call a salmon during spawning.

Филе лосося

Body of a salmon of the extended form, from 50 to 150 cm long, приплюснуто from sides. The narrow muzzle is extended forward. Scales of fish small, on spin of gray-blue color, on each side silvery with redkovaty black small spots. Belly of a salmon silver-white, fins of dark gray color. The weight of one individual can fluctuate from 5 to 35 kg.

The salmon carries out the main part of the life in the seas, migrating on spawning to the fresh-water rivers. Earlier because of especially tasty meat of a salmon carried to expensive breed of food fishes, but now on a flow cultivation of this fish in fisheries is put, and it became much more available. And judges of taste of a salmon say that taste and properties of the salmon caught in the nature, and who is grown up in artificial reservoirs all the same very much differ.

Advantage of a salmon

The salmon is rich with the phosphorus playing an important role in creation and maintenance of hardness of bones and teeth. Phosphorus participates in reactions of formation of energy in an organism and therefore it is responsible for maintenance of a tone and vital forces. As a part of phosphatic buffer system of blood it regulates acid-base equilibrium.

Contents in this fish of rather large amount of calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium also defines advantage of a salmon for an organism. These microelements play an important role in various biochemical reactions. From microelements as a part of salmon meat it is also worth noting such important as iron, manganese, selenium, zinc and copper.

Useful properties of a salmon are defined also by its rich vitamin structure. It contains practically all vitamins of group B, and also it is a lot of vitamin A.

Vitamins of group B work interdependently, in a complex, at a lack of one of them the effect of others can be incomplete. So existence of a full range of vitamins of this group gives to meat of a salmon still great value. They support health of a nervous system, work of a brain, a host defense of an organism, participate in formation of hormones, etc.

In 100 g of meat of a salmon 12 mkg of vitamin A contain. It is antioxidant, and also is important for maintenance of skin and mucous membranes in a healthy state, for formation of a rhodopsin in an eye retina, for strengthening of immunity and improvement of cell regeneration.

Salmon – an important source of unsaturated fatty acids, in particular an omega-3 and an omega-6. They are not formed in a human body therefore shall arrive with food. These acids normalize cardiac performance and vascular system, reducing probability of development of ischemia, regulate formation of blood cells, normalize work of a brain. Useful properties of a salmon for elderly people are especially important. According to some information, the salmon is capable to reduce probability of a course of a disease of Alzheimer and cancer. So it is called by right a product against aging.

Лосось жареный

Contraindications to a salmon

The fish caught from the ocean is not recommended to eat to pregnant women and nursing mothers. The matter is that during life of a salmon in the ocean in it mercury and salts of heavy metals which can have adverse effect on a fruit collects. In this case the "wild" salmon with success can be replaced with the copy which is grown up on fish farms.

The salmon treats red fish on whom people occasionally have an allergy. Persons with an allergic mood have to use with care products from it.

Caloric content of a salmon makes about 142 kcal on 100 g of meat. Dishes from it very nourishing, have refined taste and quickly satisfy hunger. However, in view of the high caloric content of a salmon, he should be limited in a diet to people with obesity.

Whether you know that:

The most high temperature of a body was recorded at Uilli Jones (USA) who came to hospital with a temperature of 46,5 °C.