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Manchurian nut

Маньчжурский орех - дерево или кустарник рода ОрехNut Manchurian (dumbeyskiya) – a listopadny monecious tree or the bush belonging to the sort Nut.

Description and places of distribution

Dumbeysky nut is a close relative of walnut. In nature he grows up in a high tree, about 25-30 meters, with sprawling krone. On open places the trunk is lower, and the krone forms a tent, expanding in breadth. In such look the tree is capable to become decoration of any garden, and also it is fine to protect from sunshine and from a rain.

Dumbeysky nut in Primorye and Priamurye grows, in the West reaches the river Zep. Prefers mixed forests, grows on valleys of the rivers and on adjacent slopes. The tree with success is parted in Novosibirsk, Gorno-Altaysk and some other settlements.

At Manchurian nut difficult odd-pinnate leaves, up to 70 cm long. They consist of 5-9 leaflets and have strongly expressed smell which frightens off mol.

The tree in May, along with foliage expansion blossoms, forming on branches short brushes to 12 cm with pistillate flowers, and ear rings up to 15 cm long with men's flowers.

The tree begins to fructify for 6-9 year of life. The fruit represents an oval green stone fruit up to 5 cm long. In green pulp there is a firm shell, and in it there is an oily seed – a nut kernel.

Chemical composition of nut Manchurian

Properties of nut Manchurian are caused by contents in it useful substances. Young leaves of a plant contain tannins, iodine, alkaloids and essential oil, and also it is a lot of ascorbic acid (approximately as much how many in hips). Tannins which contain gidroyuglona (substances which are capable to make favorable impact at some skin diseases) are found in pericarps of nut.

Kernels of nuts contain 50% of fat oil.

Medicinal properties

Drugs on the basis of a plant possess the spasmolytic, soothing, knitting, protivogelmintny, antidiabetic, antimicrobic action. Gidroyuglona, contained in green pericarps, give to Manchurian nut property wound healing, and promote treatment of skin diseases.

Has Manchurian nut of property phytoncidal: under nut krone vegetation grows very badly.

Leaves of a plant are of special value. They possess high antimicrobic action.


Manchurian nut in the Far East medicine found the application. There, in particular, use broths of a shell and bark and extracts from nut leaves at an inflammation of an oral cavity and at gastric disturbances.

From bark of draws take baths at various skin diseases and rheumatism, and use a bass of nut as wound healing and an anesthetic.Маньчжурский орех

Use of Manchurian nut is widespread in quality of fortifying, bactericidal, antisclerous means, and also for decrease in sugar in blood and normalization of a metabolism.

Broth from leaves at quinsy rinse a throat, and inside accept broth at ponosa and internal bleedings.

Oil infusion of a plant is used as wound healing means. Before hard physical activity by fresh leaves of nut rub hands – it interferes with formation of callosities.

Kernels of nut are very nutritious, eat them at organism exhaustion.


Contraindication to use of Manchurian nut is the individual intolerance.

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