Main > Food stuffs> Mango


Mango is tropical fruit from family sumach, having sweet taste and structure of fibrous type. Fruit on a mango tree has a peel of red-yellow and green shades, and also orange pulp. There are several main grades of mango, including houseplants. The fruit of fruit has the oval form, a thin peel, pleasant aroma and juicy pulp.


Biological features and distribution

The mango tree reaches up to 40 cm in height, has leaves of yellow-pink color and small flowers with delicate aroma. Mature fruits weigh to 1,5 kg, their firm stone is surrounded with juicy pulp with fibers.

Mangoes grow up in Pakistan, India, Spain, Brazil, Mexico, Portugal and other tropical countries. Now cultivate more than 30 grades of this tropical fruit. Some grades more orange, others green and less juicy.

Mango caloric content

Mango is considered low-calorie fruit which is useful as a part of dietary food to weight loss, and also to carrying out fasting days.

Caloric content of mango makes 65 kcal, and in one fruit of 0,5 g of proteins, 0,3 g of fats and 11 g of carbohydrates.

Useful properties of mango

The main useful properties of mango are shown in its structure which is vitamin-rich by microelements and minerals. Group B vitamins, cellulose, glucose, fructose, organic acids (amber, lemon, apple), vitamins of group C and E, and also such minerals as magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, iron, calcium, potassium and zinc are a part of fruit.

Pulp of mango contains a large amount of cellulose, vitamin D, manganese, potassium and pectin. Also this fruit is rich with oleoresin and mangustiny which possess febrifugal and antiinflammatory actions.

The advantage of mango at treatment of eye diseases and inflammations of a mucous membrane of a cornea is high. This fruit improves immunity, strengthens protective functions of an organism and interferes with developing of respiratory diseases.

Mangoes recommend to use as laxative, diuretic and cholagogue means, and also for treatment of inflammations of an oral cavity, a scurvy and disorders of digestive tract.

Important useful properties of mango actively influence digestion improvement, completion of a vitamin deficiency and minerals in a human body. The big advantage of mango is shown in strengthening of a nervous system, improvement of work of a brain and normalization of blood circulation.

It is useful to use this juicy fruit at diseases of a respiratory organs, nephrite, fever and as tonic.

The use of mango in food

Mango can be eaten in a crude, stewed and tinned look. Mango as ingredient for preparation of desserts, fruit salads, ice cream and various confectionery is especially popular.

Mangoes use for preparation of liqueurs, exotic cocktails and juice. In some European dishes this fruit is added for giving of special taste, for example, to fish and meat dishes.

At the regular use of one fruit in days the liver is cleared, symptoms of diarrhea, anemia, hemorrhoids are removed, and also elasticity of vessels increases and the probability of development of dysbacteriosis decreases.

Смузи из манго

Contraindications to the use

Mango should not be eaten in large numbers as this fruit rich with various substances can cause a digestive disturbance, emergence of gripes and irritation of a throat.

It is not necessary to use mango at allergic reactions and individual intolerance. This fruit is not combined with the drinks containing alcohol.

To avoid serious violations of work of intestines it is necessary to eat only ripe fruits and better not there are nedospely and overripe fruit.

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