Main > Drugs> Maraslavinum


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from 140 rub.

Раствор для местного применения МараславинMaraslavinum – drug with the combined structure of a plant origin for treatment of dental diseases.

Form of release and structure

Dosage form – solution for topical administration: muddy, red-brown color, with a specific smell and vyazhushche-acid taste; at storage the deposit drops out (on 100 ml in dark glass bottles, 1 bottle in a cardboard box).

Active agents in 100 ml of solution:

  • Herba Artemisiae pontici (a grass of a wormwood Pontic) – 4,196 g;
  • Rhizoma Zingiberis (rhizome of a zingiber) – 4,196 g;
  • Flores Caryophylli (buds of a clove tree) – 3,646 g;
  • Fructus Piperis nigri (fruits of black pepper) – 1,199 g;
  • Herba Satureja hortensis (savory grass) – 0,728 g.

Additional inactive components: water, wine vinegar and ammonium chloride.

Indications to use

  • Hemorrhagic periodontosis with alveolar pockets;
  • The postoperative period after surgical intervention concerning periodontosis;
  • Purulent periodontosis (as a part of a combination therapy).


It is contraindicated to apply Maraslavinum at hypersensitivity to the substances which are its part.

Route of administration and dosage

Maraslavinum is applied locally in an oral cavity. Treatment by drug is performed by the stomatologist.

The initial stage of therapy – removal of a naddesnevy dental calculus along with carrying out ventilation of gingival pockets (the stream of pure warm water or the sprayer is for this purpose used). Further by means of the probe enter friable cotton plugs with drug into bone and gingival pockets. For this purpose 20-25 ml of Maraslavinum pour in glass capacity and in it plentifully moisten tampons which size is selected individually depending on width of pockets.

Duration of one procedure makes 5-6 minutes. During the first session carry out 5-6 such procedures consistently on each pocket. Each subsequent tampon gets into an alveolar pocket deeper and easier. The last tampons leave in pockets (leaky lying) prior to the next session. The patient is warned that because of purulent separated subfebrile condition is possible, in this case he should take independently tampons then to address the stomatologist.

During the second session take the tampons which remained after the first session then delete a subdingival dental calculus. As well as for the first time, tampons enter several times and again leave the last prior to the next session.

The general course of treatment proceeds 3 months. In total holding 17-20 sessions is shown, the first 5-6 will see off with 24-hour breaks, further intervals are defined by the stomatologist.

5-6 months later after the beginning of therapy the doctor conducts control examination of the patient and at least 1-2 times (if necessary – more that depends on a condition of gums) processes alveolus Maraslavinum to eliminate possible activators. In 12 months after an initiation of treatment carrying out final inspection is shown.

Side effects

Drug can cause allergic reactions.

At dense imposing of tampons disturbance of outflow of purulent exudate and, as a result, fervescence to 37,9 ºС is possible (it is normalized independently after removal of tampons).

Special instructions

During all course of treatment it is recommended to patients:

  • Not to brush teeth a toothbrush with paste and not to use disinfecting conditioners (for rinsing it is necessary to use cool water 2 times a day – in the morning and in the evening);
  • To include vitamin-rich food in a diet;
  • To refrain from the use of the acute and irritating products, for example, of onions, garlic, nuts;
  • To accept A and C vitamins;
  • To avoid long stay in the sun.

Medicinal interaction

Pharmacological and pharmaceutical interaction of Maraslavinum with other medicinal substances is not described.

Terms and storage conditions

To store at a temperature up to 25 ºС in the place, unavailable to children.

Period of validity – 3 years.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Maraslavinum solution for местн. comment of 100 Ml

140 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Maraslavinum solution фл 100 ml, Sopharma JSC

190 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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